Withdrawal! The bank has no right to inquire about the source. If something really happens, it is usually the economic investigation that comes to investigate. As for the freezing of funds, it only triggers the Anti-Money Laundering Law, and the funds are regulated.

The income from cryptocurrency investment does not trigger the crime of huge amounts of unknown property! Cryptocurrency speculation is just not regulated by law, but it is also a legal source of property.

As long as you provide relevant evidence of your cryptocurrency income information, you can be presumed guilty no matter how old it is. As for withdrawing money and receiving black money, as long as you insist that you are a victim, there is actually no big problem. Remember to invite uncle for tea when you go out.

If you receive black money and it is frozen and you want to compensate 10% or 20% to unlock it, I suggest that you better not do this (you have not violated the rights of others, nor have you subjectively laundered black money, why should you compensate, why should you help the old man who fell down?)

If you have a clean background and are not involved in drugs or gangs, you sell coins to make money, and the money is clean.

The bank will not ask anything more. Just rest assured.

But if you have any history, it will be checked very carefully.

If you want to go to the village for warmth, or have doubts, welcome to follow me to communicate