Now this kind of narrow range fluctuation, up and down pins, long and short double explosion of the dog blood market, either play dead and do not move, otherwise, the short-term contract will eventually die with a high probability. You still have the courage to play copycat, pretend to be a dog, and promote model coins. I really admire your courage to face death. The ignorant are fearless.

Now there is still the possibility of a second bottoming out. If it falls below 62700, there is a possibility of continuing to step back to 60,000 or even 50,000. Of course, the bulls are barely controlling the market at present. If it breaks through the pressure of 65500, this wave will continue to rise. But my intuition is that if the market is washed again, the bubble can be squeezed more cleanly, and then the surge will be more crazy.

We need confidence. After all, the big cake has been halved, but the oscillation period during the transition tests not only the technology, but also our mentality and even whether we have faith. If I buy the bottom again, I will configure a quarter of sol, 🦶⑥q1un崴:1742540051 I bet it will kill eth. After all, don't forget Vitalik's Russian identity. Sol is a new public chain that is highly controlled by Wall Street. The final situation of the three-kingdoms competition will evolve into a two-hero confrontation.

The general trend is to fluctuate upward, and I have never doubted this. But how to operate? At which point to enter the market, how to avoid risks?

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