The crazy moment of Bitcoin is coming! The current market adjustment is actually warming up for the next big bull market!

Since the halving event in April, the market seems to have entered an adjustment period, which makes retail investors a little flustered. But don't worry, the real excitement is still to come! From mid-to-late June to July, the Bitcoin market will gradually heat up, and the long-awaited main bull market is finally coming! At that time, both retail investors and large institutions will rush to enter the market, fearing to miss this rare opportunity.

After entering July, the consensus of Bitcoin will gradually form globally, and the cryptocurrency bull market will officially start. This will be a feast led by institutions, and the surge may exceed your imagination. Therefore, you must have chips in your hands, otherwise you may miss this feast and regret it.

From August to September, Bitcoin ecological projects will be hotly sought after by the market, especially those high-quality projects with actual products and empowerment capabilities. I suggest that everyone pay more attention to the Bitcoin ecosystem, because the valuation of projects here is relatively low, and you can get better returns with less cost. Of course, there are many opportunities in the Ethereum ecosystem, such as the upgraded L2 and ZK ecosystems in Cancun, which are all investment targets worthy of attention.

After the surge in July, August, and September, there may be a small correction in October, but this is a good opportunity for you to get on board. In November and December, the market will usher in another big explosion, and the price of Bitcoin is expected to soar to 100,000+! But remember that institutions are here to make money, and they will exit the market after making a profit. Therefore, after the high point in December, the market may usher in a large correction.

In general, although the market may adjust in the two months after the halving, there are still many opportunities. We must maintain confidence and actively participate in the market. By the third and fourth quarters, the market will officially enter the explosive rise stage. Let us look forward to the arrival of this feast together!

In the bull market, you need a high-quality Qzi. If you don’t know how to operate and are still confused, everyone is welcome to join! Please like, follow, forward, and leave a message!

#热门话题 #BTC