Happycoin.club - Over the past decade, the price of Bitcoin (BTC) has risen a staggering 12,464%, outpacing tech giants such as Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN), Alphabet (NASDAQ:GOOGL) Inc and Netflix (NASDAQ:NFLX).

On May 3, analyst Colin Wu, better known as WuBlockchain, shared the results of his research, during which he compared the performance of Bitcoin with the stocks of the nine largest technology companies. The obtained figures indicate strong growth of the digital asset, which further strengthens its reputation as a powerful investment tool.

According to the study, Nvidia (NASDAQ:NVDA) was the leader, posting an even more impressive 17,797% gain thanks to the company's advanced graphics processors and semiconductor devices. The fact that Bitcoin came in second place in a highly volatile market is a real achievement, highlighting the asset's significant influence and potential in the financial ecosystem.

The WuBlockchain team compiled data on the cumulative price gains of BTC and nine major tech stocks over the past 10 years, including Google, META, Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL), Netflix, Amazon, etc. BTC came in second with a gain of 12,464%. ; first place went to NVIDIA, whose shares rose in price by 17.797%, wrote Colin Wu.

Despite the inherent volatility and uncertainty of cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin's impressive growth trajectory over the past decade demonstrates its resilience and potential to become a viable investment vehicle.

With investors now actively diversifying their portfolios and looking for ways to generate potentially strong returns, the results of this analysis provide a valuable guide that highlights the outstanding performance not only of traditional technology stocks, but also of modern digital assets such as Bitcoin.

The intersection of traditional finance and digital assets, made possible by technological innovations driving markets forward, opens up new opportunities for investors to benefit in the near future.

Magnificent Seven Market Cap Castling Nvidia's share price has recently shown a positive trajectory, rising above its 50-day moving average and providing a stable price base with a 974 buy point. Google maintained upward momentum following a positive earnings report, while Meta (NASDAQ: META) experienced a significant price decline, falling below its 50-day moving average on April 24.

Tesla shares, in turn, jumped above this key technical level, all thanks to a strong earnings report. Amazon shares showed similar dynamics.

All this has led to a significant change in the market capitalization rankings of the leading technology companies, often referred to as the “Magnificent Seven.” Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) has overtaken Apple in market capitalization and now has a 9.5% share of the Nasdaq index, compared to Apple's 8.6%.

Nvidia, with a market capitalization share of 6.9%, overtook Alphabet with a 6.6% share and Amazon with a 6.2% share. Meanwhile, Meta's share dropped to 3.6%.

Such market movements have also impacted the composite ratings of these companies. Apple's rating fell to 53 despite recent earnings growth. This reshuffling reflects the volatile, albeit dynamic, nature of technology stocks and market valuations.

Despite recent market downturns and significant reductions in block rewards, experts remain optimistic about Bitcoin's long-term prospects.

Bitcoin's scarce supply, limited to 21 million coins, is a critical factor that continues to increase its value. As for the future, industry insiders believe that despite the potential for short-term fluctuations, Bitcoin's long-term trajectory looks promising.

As Bitcoin continues to compete with and outperform big tech stocks, its role as an asset transforming the investment landscape is becoming increasingly prominent.