After several consecutive days of net outflows from the ETF, the ETF data suddenly reversed and achieved net inflows last Friday. It is worth mentioning that Grayscale GBTC has achieved its first net inflow since the ETF was approved. Objectively, Grayscale's inflows and outflows have reached a dynamic balance.

Affected by this, the market fundamentals generally eased, and the mainstream cottages all showed a short-term turning trend on the daily line. In fact, it was still the positive news brought by the data that was lower than expected last Friday. The employment data was far below expectations. As the US election is approaching, the issue of monetary easing has frequently come to the fore, and the expectation of loosening the money supply has been greatly advanced.

In terms of market fundamentals, Sanshu believes that after the data on Friday exceeded expectations and benefited the risk market, the downward trend similar to last week has ended, that is, in the short and medium term, without any major negative news, the market will continue to pull back and test the price again, and there is no expectation of falling below 56,000 points. From the existing data, the ideal bottom is to go through a wave of negative decline in the range of 60,000 to 62,000 points, and then realize a complete recovery of the market.

The mainstream market in May remains cautious for the time being. In the case of a high probability that it will not reach a new low, I do not think it will be able to completely reverse to a new high. Time is a good medicine that can cure too many things, including the rising volume of the big cake. In terms of opportunities, the recent AI and fan series will continue to be the focus of holding.

ASI 3-in-1 is about to be launched, Google 2024 I/O event will be held on the 14th of this month, and Apple Developer Conference will be held on the 10th of next month. These are the expected time points for the hype of AI. Before the official start of the European Cup next month, the fan series is expected to be hyped until the end of this month. In the high-level sideways stage of the big pie, you can't go wrong if you take a shot in the hot sector.

In addition to these two sectors, MEME is still the main theme of the early and middle stages of the bull market. Recently, the ten-fold coin pepe has taken off again, and the old doge has also been hyped up again to be listed on X payment. No matter what the news is, it is old wine in a new bottle. It is hyped every year, and every hype can bring new market conditions. In addition to pepe, you can also pay attention to flokl in this sector of the Ethereum series. Solana's ecology is also quite strong. I am optimistic about bonk and wif. Give them a chance to ambush.

As time goes by, the heat of the market is gradually increasing. Regarding the potential operational risks of the market, I would like to remind you that if you use wallet software, you must only download it from the official website, not Baidu or other browsers. To be precise, all the wallets found by Baidu series search are fake. In recent days, several partners have passively terminated their bull market process because of such very low-level mistakes. It is a pity.

The night before yesterday, a big shot in the industry had his 1155 WBTC phished, and about 7000 WU was wiped out, and immediately exchanged for ETH by hackers. The reason for being phished is also very simple. When transferring money, the wallet holder directly copied the address of his own wallet, and transferred it when the eight or nine digits before and after were consistent. Once the password was entered, it was directly authorized. In this case, even if Jesus came, there would be no salvation.

Uncle San also posted a similar post on BN Square a few days ago. Just because I transferred a sum of assets, I received hundreds of small fund transfer records every day. The amount was very small, and the characteristic was that the first and last eight digits of the transfer address were generally the same as the address I transferred out before. Hackers are waiting for an opportunity to copy the address of the transfer page directly to a familiar address for the sake of convenience. Therefore, it is not only the download of the wallet that needs attention, but also the use of it is crucial.

The fat cat incident has been too hot these days. Although I rarely gossip, I have rarely watched the whole process of the incident. How should I put it? The Internet truth that lickers will not die well is very vivid. Regardless of gender, learn to love yourself before loving others, stand up straight, and refuse to be dominated.

I was gossiping about something. The Buffett shareholders meeting disclosed the money they made last year. The team of six old men made 69.2 billion US dollars a year, which is comparable to Apple. As expected, investment is not an intensive industry. The most important thing is the thinking of making money, the objective reflection and cognition of things. The same is true in the cryptocurrency circle. There are many invisible bigwigs who make a lot of money that a group of people cannot reach in their lifetime. They work hard to improve themselves and seem particularly eager at this moment.

BTC: If Bitcoin sees a second test this week, it won’t take too long. If you are more aggressive, you can start bottoming out the mainstream sectors after Bitcoin breaks 62,000 points rapidly. If you continue to look down to 60,000 points, there is a buffer space of 2,000 points, and there is no expectation of a new low. My mainstream positions have not changed in this round of Bitcoin adjustment. In the bull market relay market, those with similar positions can just hold on to the coins. After the adjustment within the month, the rebound will continue.

ETH: Ethereum is linked to Bitcoin, with a daily support of 2760 points. Most of the recent bottom-fishing on the chain choose Ethereum between Bitcoin and Ethereum, probably considering the short-term cost-effectiveness, for reference only.

Copycat: The meme series on ETH and SOL chains are given as references above. For the AI ​​sector, you can pay attention to pixel, agix, ai and xai. Just choose one or two to pay attention to. Take advantage of the trend, not the pattern. #AI板块强势进击 #美联储何时降息? #美国4月非农就业人口增加不及预期 $BTC

Finally, stay away from leverage and stock up on spot goods! ​​​