

《What is the Meme Value Investment School?》

Recently, the meme value investment school has gradually emerged in the community. Let me briefly explain the core logic:

Logic 1: memes are valuable.

Traditional value investment believes that memes are worthless and that products that need to solve specific problems are valuable.

However, meme value investment believes that memes are the best products that meet speculative needs in a highly speculative market.

And memes also have additional buffs of culture, IP, and entertainment, all of which are valuable.

Therefore, the meme value investment school clearly believes that memes are valuable.

Logic 2: memes need a sufficient funding environment.

Traditional value investment says to fish where there are many fish.

As for the investment time of memes, you need to enter the hot money boiling to bet on memes.

The strong memes in this cycle come from Sol, Base, and ETH

Because they satisfy the characteristics of abundant funds and strong speculative capital at the same time.

Logic 3: The market value of meme will occupy a certain proportion of the market value of the public chain

All speculative funds on a chain will support the meme market value of the chain, and its market value is both supported and constrained by the chain.

For example, the current market value of Shib is 4% of ETH

The market value of WIF accounts for 4% of the market value of Sol

So what is the proportion of the top memes on TON?

Logic 4: The market value vibration of meme and the chain it belongs to is in the same frequency

That is to say, excluding the value discovery period of meme, the high point of meme is close to the high point of the chain


Do you think the above four logics are very simple?

But in the current meme market bonus period, there is no need to make it complicated. If you understand the above four logics, you can make money from it, and you can't take it lightly.

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