【Investment System】

First, think about what your goal is. Small profit and small loss? Occasionally make a big profit with a small profit? Absolutely no big loss? Then set your trading goal, not how many times you can earn in a year.

1️⃣ Minimize the number of trades: trade only when there is an excellent opportunity, and never trade when there is an opportunity that is not worth it.

Because I rushed every day for many years, it was very tiring, but I didn’t make much money, so I increased my skills, such as investment research ability, etc. Later I found that they were all dead ends, so I had to do subtraction and actively give up bad opportunities.

2️⃣ Five no-trades:

(1) Don’t trade when the market is not good.

Many times, I increase my position because I am afraid of missing out. In each round of bull market, BTC has three to five large corrections. If there is an opportunity, I can go in and wait patiently for the overall market trend.

(2) Don’t trade if I don’t do in-depth research.

I don’t know many wealth codes, but I have a principle that if I don’t do in-depth research on a coin, I won’t hold a large position. Only when I do in-depth research can my cognition match this wealth and I have the opportunity to make this money. Even if the big guys tell you that this coin can be bought and sold, you can’t hold it if you don’t study and research it yourself.

(3) Don’t make a trade when the technical situation is not good.

Information cocoon, trapped in the project, can’t get out, because the approach from the fundamental perspective is flawed, and it is difficult to find from public information. To avoid this problem: from the technical side, look at the fundamental research and technical information. If there is a conflict, I will take the technical side.

(4) Don’t make a trade when the profit and loss ratio is not ideal.

The short-term callback may be relatively large, and the profit and loss ratio is not good.

(5) Don’t make a trade when the state is not good.

Especially after a large loss, you are eager to recover your investment. After a large profit, don’t make a trade. It is easy to make money in a short period of time. You will fantasize about making more money in your mind and don’t take money seriously. The risk preference of subsequent investment actions will be higher. Therefore, after a large loss or a large profit, you will force yourself to rest.

3️⃣ After waiting for an opportunity, place the heaviest position: Don’t make a self-defense today and another one tomorrow. You need to study deeply, find opportunities with strong certainty, and feel at ease with a large position.

4️⃣ Quickly reduce holding costs: You cannot hold on because the cost is not low. Build positions in batches, and distribute and reduce positions when there are profits. Don’t always think about holding positions at 0 cost.

5️⃣Use grid to make long-term profits happily: I haven't seen anyone make big money by trading every day for a long time. If you hold on, you may lose everything. It is best to use grid trading to make long-term profits. Holding positions is to adapt to willfulness, not against human nature. This tool is easier to use, and it is very helpful to use grid long-term positions.

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