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Training methods for market sense

Good market sense is a prerequisite for currency speculation

Good market sense is a prerequisite in the currency circle. Market sense needs to be trained. Through training, most people will improve. How to train market sense can be carried out from the following aspects:

1. Adhere to daily review and select targets according to your own coin selection method. The focus of the review is to browse the trends of all currencies. The individual currencies selected in the review process not only conform to your own coin selection method, but also have commonalities with the current market hotspots, and have linkages with sectors and industries. The probability of strengthening in the future market is high. After the review, you will find the trend of the market from the convergence of individual currencies, and find sectors from the convergence of individual currencies.

2. Carefully browse the currencies with the largest gains and losses on the day again, find out the reasons for the strengthening (weakening) of individual currencies, and find the buy (sell) signals you think. For currencies that meet the buying conditions, you can enter your alternative currencies and track them.

3. In the real market, the main thing is to track the real-time trend of your target currency, clearly understand the specific meaning of its opening, closing, highest and lowest prices on the day, as well as the actual situation of the main force's pull-up, selling, and protection of the market, and understand whether the relationship between volume and price is normal.

4. Conditional reflex training. Find out some classic bottom-starting trends of individual currencies and constantly stimulate your brain.

5. Train yourself to quickly browse the dynamic market situation every day.

6. The core is to have a set of operating methods that suit you, especially for yourself, and the methods come from the above training.

Reviewing the market is to use static to look at the overall market picture. This is for the situation that you don’t have time to observe and summarize during the day. After the market closes, further clarify which funds are actively flowing in, which funds are mainly fleeing, where the selling pressure of the market mainly comes from, and where the momentum of the market is coming from. Are they related to industries and sectors? What are the reasons for these situations? Which currencies are in the golden period of rising, which are about to form a perfect breakthrough, what are the main reasons for the rise and fall of the market today, etc. You need to re-examine the market and better understand the changes in the market.