Bitcoin (BTC) Price Analysis

* Current price: $63,807.77

* Variation in the last 24 hours: +0.78%

* High of the last 24 hours: $64,675.51

* Low of the last 24 hours: $63,143.76

* Volume of the last 24 hours (BTC): 33,603.46

* Volume of the last 24 hours (USD): $2,158.00

Technical indicators:

* Bollinger Bands:

* Upper band: $64,495.34

* Middle band: $63,857.33

* Lower band: $63,805.81


* MACD: 5.07

* Difference: 14.82

* Signal: 9.75

* The price of Bitcoin is in an upward trend in the short term.

* The price is above the 50-day moving average, which is a bullish sign.

* Bollinger bands are widening, which could indicate increased volatility.

* MACD is in positive territory and the signal line is below the trend line, which is a bullish signal.

Overall, technical analysis suggests that Bitcoin price could continue to rise in the near term.

However, it is important to note that the cryptocurrency market is very volatile and the price of Bitcoin could drop drastically at any time.

It is important to do your own research before investing in Bitcoin.

Additional Resources

* Bitcoin price today in real time | Investment Strategies: https://www.estrategiasdeinversion.com/cotizaciones/criptomonedas/bitcoin

* BTCUSD: Bitcoin Chart and Price - TradingView: https://es.tradingview.com/symbols/BTCUSD/

* https://mx.investing.com/crypto/bitcoin/analysis