A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. The midnight market was once again under pressure to test after reaching a new high of 64644 in recent days. It was also mentioned in the midnight article that the current oscillation range is still very restrictive. Generally speaking, a small floating test is given within the range. The appropriate retracement of the market has once again given us a good entry point for the low-end market. The market is slow, and there is no way to do it. From another perspective, this is also a good time to temper your temper and test your mentality. The trend will eventually come out, and we will also go out of our own way. #BTC走势分析 #ETH #BTC $BTC $ETH $BNB

After the midnight market was tested, it was blocked near 63500. According to the current situation, it has rebounded with a small floating degree. From the hourly level, after the market overlapped the middle track, it has now recovered and returned to the middle and upper tracks. The Bollinger Bands are still rising. The KDJ three strings have formed a golden cross after crossing, and the opening is obviously upward. In this way, we can continue to watch the trend in the future. When the upper pressure level breaks, the market can rise again.

Big cake: 63600-64100, pay attention to 65000

Aunt: 3115-3135, pay attention to 3220