Most ordinary people make money by trading by buying low and selling high or selling high and buying low to make a profit. Assuming that the probability of buying the right thing is 70% (which is already very high for many people) and the probability of selling the right thing is also 70%, then the probability of making a profit by completing a buy and sell transaction is 70%x70%=49%, which means that 80% of people do not even have half the probability of winning when doing swing trading.

What about the probability of two consecutive profits? 49% x 49% = 24.01%. The final result is that both the exchange and the dealer make money, and the leeks are really cut. This also explains why 80% of investors will eventually feel that all their operations are wrong.

Finally, taking into account the 80/20 rule in the financial circle, and multiplying the above probability by 20%, we will get the answer to a question that puzzles many people, that is, why can a small retail investor influence the entire market? No matter how certain the previous rise was, once it is bought, it will definitely fall! Even if it has broken the key support line, crosses again and again, it rises when it is sold, the market soars when it is short, and plummets when it is full. The dealers with tens of billions of funds are staring at the tens of thousands of dollars in my hand. Why is this? #交易员日常