I know a cleaning lady who is employed by several Chinese students' parents. She goes to clean the apartments rented by the students every week. She said that these students don't actually cook, and the kitchen is not dirty at all. She just wipes the dust and sweeps the floor. Her main job is to clean up the takeaway lunch boxes. These kids are too lazy to even throw away the lunch boxes. They play games all night and sleep during the day. The curtains are always drawn. It takes no more than an hour to clean a house. The parents pay $60, and $120 a week. She collects $480 from each house a month. If there are 10 houses, her income is quite stable. They all pay in cash via WeChat, and the work is easy.

There is an international student who lives in a mansion on the mountain. His family bought it for him. The house is empty except for a few beds in the bedrooms, two mahjong tables in the living room, and several tables with computers for playing games. Every time I go to clean up, there are empty beer bottles and cigarette butts everywhere. It seems that they have no time to go to school.

These are children from wealthy families, and their parents may think that as long as their children don't take drugs,

There is an ordinary university, where Chinese students account for a large proportion, and they compete with each other seriously. Canada Goose down jackets and LV bags are low-end. Local students basically do not carry branded bags, nor do they advocate

I know a student who grew up here. He is pursuing a Vietnamese girl who also grew up here. He said that girls like this are very popular among Asian boys. They are simple, enthusiastic and cute. Chinese girls are more materialistic. They are reserved and elegant at first, but they have more demands after getting to know each other. He can't handle them.

He knew a Chinese girl who was being kept by a chef in a Chinatown restaurant. The monthly maintenance fee was $3,000. The chef was very busy and had few opportunities to favor him. The girl used the money to go to casinos and bars to pick up her boyfriend.

There is a Chinese boy in the school who is selling drugs and holding a gun

It really subverts my three views

A friend of mine has a child who is studying abroad. He went to high school in Vancouver and university here. In fact, he never went to university. He has been working in various restaurants. He bought a BMW and even forged his university diploma. His parents and aunt's family even came to attend his graduation ceremony. When they found out the truth, they were heartbroken. They completely severed the father-son relationship and stopped giving him living expenses. It seems that the child doesn't care.

As an outsider, I was deeply moved.

Of course, most international students are busy studying, and many have found good jobs.

Chinese parents all want their children to be successful, but when their children are young, they are often busy working and neglect to accompany their children. They leave their children to their grandparents, private kindergartens, and private schools, spending a lot of money to balance their inner guilt. The result is that family affection fades and they feel disappointed with each other. They hope that sending their children away will help, but in fact it makes them more distant and there is no mutual respect.

I know some rich second-generation international students who are pretty decadent.

Giving their successful and wealthy parents a headache

Exaggerated stories about the rich second generation causing trouble are heard all over the world.

This phenomenon has a common logic:

No one likes low self-worth. When children of successful people find that they cannot improve their self-worth by surpassing their parents, they may adopt another approach - creating trouble to lower their parents' self-worth in order to narrow the gap between their own sense of self-worth and their parents'.

As a result, this phenomenon occurs: children of strong men cause trouble for their parents.

Parents work hard to send their children to study abroad, but they often don’t understand how their children live. This is also a difficult problem to solve.