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What does a person have to go through to achieve enlightenment?

1. It is recommended that all young people who are afraid of taking action read this sentence repeatedly: "Everyone's views and evaluations are temporary, only your own experiences and achievements will accompany you for a lifetime.

Almost all worries and fears come from your own imagination. Only when you really do it, you will find how happy you are.

2. Dare to embrace success. I agree with Luo Xiang's words: You are afraid of showing up, you are afraid of being embarrassed, afraid of becoming an important person, afraid of taking responsibility, in fact, you are afraid of success. If you are afraid of success, how can you succeed?"

3. Your role is not to make everyone happy all the time. Don't think that rejecting others is like making a big mistake. Your own feelings are the most important. Pay more attention to your own feelings, and you will have less internal friction.

4. A friend told me before that I hope you don't judge my feelings based on imagination. If you don't understand, please ask directly. "I now feel that this is the basis of communication between people. If you casually pretend that you know the other person very well, you will slowly lose that person.

5. Many people feel about others from the perspective of the people and events they have experienced, and they confidently say "I have thought about it from your perspective", which is both stupid and paranoid.

6. Never complain. The sign of a person's maturity is to transform the resentment of "why did this happen to me" into the awakening of "what this thing is to teach me". When you look at the world from a different perspective, you will find that everything is the best arrangement.

7. If you measure and think about everything from the perspective of interests, you will become smarter and smarter. If you only want to consider problems from an emotional perspective, you will become stupider and stupider.

8. Always be responsible for yourself. The core of maturity is to be responsible for yourself: responsible for the mistakes you make: responsible for your emotions and feelings: responsible for your needs, and most importantly, responsible for your responses and feelings to people, things, and things. It should be noted that this is different from blaming everything on yourself. Blindly "taking the blame" and swallowing your anger is just a manifestation of a person's immaturity.

9. If I say I have something to do, don't ask me what it is; if I say I am having dinner with someone, don't ask me who I am with; if I say I am with a friend, don't ask me if I am a man or a woman.

10. Most people are lazy and stupid, and it is not difficult to surpass them.

You don't need to be the first, nor do you need to be the second, and you don't even need to compete with them. As long as you surpass most lazy and stupid people, you can live a relatively good life, and then iterate and improve on this basis.

11. Never take shortcuts. From simple to complex, it is the experience of the first half of life: from complex to simple, it is the practice of the second half of life. So, you can observe yourself and learn a lot of things. In the end, you will find that you are trying to use shortcuts to shorten various gaps.

12. Never meddle in other people's affairs and try to change others? Everyone's living environment and trajectory are different. Not meddling in other people's affairs, not forcibly interfering in other people's lives, and not imposing your own values ​​is the greatest respect for every life.

13. The greatest revenge is not forgiveness, but forgetting. Completely forgetting or forgiving is impossible, and both are against human nature. The greatest revenge that can be achieved is that after the physical body is destroyed (or not destroyed), the indifference and peaceful fading away not only fades the meaning of this person to you in the future, but also fades the memories that you once cherished between you and this person.

14. Trivial things in life are very realistic in the eyes of the poor. If they cannot be handled in time, it will be very tiring for both parties: in the eyes of the rich, the material foundation is already sufficient, and what needs to be done is to do some interesting things in free time to meet spiritual needs, especially the couple doing housework together is very conducive to enhancing feelings.

15. When we are still very weak, don't refute anyone who questions us, let alone persuade others to change their views. This is not realistic at all. If you want to do it, do it, without communicating with anyone. Let the results speak.

16. Be sure to avoid becoming a good person without value. Although such people often seem to be popular, the so-called popularity is nothing more than pushing others to do things they don't want to do, and when others produce emotional garbage 9, treat him as a dumping bin?and tree holes. This kind of people seem to be very popular, but in fact they are the most humble.

17. Don't chat with friends who are not particularly familiar, or netizens who you don't know at all. If you want to consult anything, you must ask them to pay first. Otherwise, if you help, they will probably not be grateful.

18. If you want to stay focused, ask yourself two points when you encounter messy news: First, does this matter have anything to do with me? Second, can it make money? You will find that 99.99% of things can be thrown aside. Simple and crude, very effective.

19. The more cold-blooded and ruthless a person is, the more people with high energy fields respect him, because everyone can feel that he is a person who cherishes value. If you want to make friends with people with high energy fields, you don't rely on showing kindness or helping, but let him see that you have principles and attitude.

20. Many times, you offend people not because you said something wrong, but because you said something right.

21. Develop the habit of blacklisting, and try not to educate or persuade others. If you persuade the poor, he will only think you are deceiving him.

22. People who promise to teach you to become better little by little may be true: people who promise you can have a huge improvement like a reborn. Every one of them is a liar.

23. "Sad" because you don't respect the principle of value exchange, "angry" because you have too little experience, "complaining" because your family environment is too bad, and you haven't tried your best to turn the situation around. This is the essence.

24. You lie in bed all day, don't study or exercise, fantasize about pie in the sky, are submissive during the day, stay up late at night for love and miss those trivial things. Why do you still think you are pretentious? $DOGE $PEPE