May Day is almost over

This month's repayment plan

Still under great pressure

Originally, I was going to work overtime on a few projects on May Day

I took my children back to my hometown

The weather changed and both children caught a cold

I was busy for three days and spent a few hours at night looking and looking

There are no good projects

Bitlayer used 100 numbers to draw

Let's see if OKX is really drawing or not

The draw will be posted again to see if I can win a white ticket

I browsed the May Day news and L0 has taken a snapshot

But I felt nothing

Last year, dozens of numbers interacted for several months

This year, there was almost no interaction

The witch rule is also unprecedented

I won't do such a stupid thing anyway

Even if one doesn't give

I won't report myself or others

No so-called As long as you are willing to learn in the cryptocurrency circle, there are so many good projects and opportunities. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Another is the story of Fat Cat. What about picking up men and women? There are a lot of people in the cryptocurrency circle who speak out for love, hate, and vengeance. To be honest, if it was ten years ago, I might also be indignant. At my age, I might only have children and making money. I really have no other hobbies. Including women, it may be that I am no longer capable of doing it. I have nothing to do with you, I pity this and that. If there is another chance, Fat Cat may still do this. There must be something hateful about pitiful people. It is most practical to take care of yourself. I will sigh with emotion. Sometimes I really envy those before marriage or adolescence. They are carefree and can leave at any time. After having children, they can no longer live for themselves. A colleague who had a good relationship with me before May Day got married. I pushed him away. If it was before, I would definitely attend. Now, apart from family and making money, I really don’t want to participate in social activities at all. I feel that I have been out of touch with society. Nothing more to say The last day of May Day

I will start moving bricks to pay off my loan tomorrow

I hope to get ashore soon

Come on, black slaves

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