#美国4月非农就业人口增加不及预期 #美联储何时降息?

The United States made Zhao Changpeng and his company pay a fine of more than 4 billion US dollars, and the key is that he was imprisoned.

More than one rich person told me that they were worried that policy changes would cause them to lose a huge amount of wealth or even go bankrupt.

As a result, the United States did things too drastically in one go.

And who knows if there will be a next round.

The real rich put their money in the United States, and they are most worried about this. Paying such a large fine is already cruel,

And imprisonment, the real rich people can't accept imprisonment the most!!

In prison for a few years, the situation outside is unknown.

Who knows what will happen, who knows whether the wealth and company still belong to you?

This also involves the issue of historical reputation. Sun Hongbin used various methods to reconcile his experience in prison.

Just watch, in the future, the money of some of the truly wealthy Chinese will flow from the United States to Hong Kong, China, China, Singapore, etc.

Of course, this takes time and process.

Don't think about why?

Refer to Russian Jewish tycoon Abramovich and others,

Refer to Zhao Changpeng,

Secondly, the United States has begun to change its interest rate hike and balance sheet reduction.

From June 1, the pace of shrinking the balance sheet has slowed down, from the previous shrinkage of 60 billion US dollars per month to the shrinkage of 25 billion US dollars of national debt.

Mortgage-backed securities (MBS) remain unchanged and continue to shrink at a rate of 35 billion US dollars per month.

This is equivalent to withdrawing 420 billion US dollars from the market in a year.

This is definitely a positive for the RMB market.