Obsession is a taboo in cryptocurrency trading. In a sense, it is a kind of morbid firmness and belief. Blind optimism will affect emotions and interfere with judgment.

1. When you encounter a good coin, but there is obviously no buying point, you still want to buy it, for fear that it will fly away directly, and you even chase high to enter the market. At this time, your eyes are only focused on it. This is obsession.

2. When doing value investing, you only focus on the price. When the price goes up, that's great and in line with expectations, but the coin price falls. At this time, you will selectively ignore the reality that the coin price is at the end of a large-cycle upward momentum exhaustion structure and that the valuation has been realized. You desperately look for various fundamental benefits to support your views. This is obsession.

3. When you are stuck in a trade, you will suddenly become a very determined bull. You will not tolerate anyone speaking short of it. You are controlled by your emotions and have lost your ability to make rational judgments. You are only willing to listen to bullish analysis. This is obsession.

4. You have obviously made a wrong judgment. You could have exited the market with a short-term stop loss here, but you keep staring at your account because you only allow yourself to exit the market with a profit and not with a loss. As a result, you lose more and more, and a short-term investment turns into a long-term investment. This is obsession.

5. If a coin has hurt you before, you will hate it for the rest of your life. Even when a good opportunity comes, you will not want to buy it again. This is obsession.

6. When you sell a coin short-term, and according to your judgment, this coin still has a lot of room for appreciation, even if you buy it back now, the cost will only increase by two points, but you are unwilling to buy it back, this is obsession.

7. I want to buy coins every day, even if there is no buying point, I have to buy them, I have to buy them randomly, and I have to use up the last penny in the account. This is obsession.

8. No patience, can’t hold on to coins, can’t move in the short term, can’t stand it, this is obsession.

9. When you have been doing a certain model for a long time and have been losing money for a long time, but you are still unwilling to change your thinking, this is obsession.

10. When you lose money continuously, you will become angry. You don’t believe that you can’t win once, and then you continue to increase your betting chips. This is obsession.

11. When you have earned 18 points, there is actually a short-term signal of rising exhaustion, but you insist on making it to 20 points before taking profit. This is obsession.

12. You are trapped five points on your 10% position, but you don’t understand the structural trend. You are unwilling to stop loss and insist on continuously adding to your position. You must make money from this transaction. As a result, you are trapped with a heavy position until you are unable to recover. This is obsession.

13. When you achieve success once because of the survivor bias effect, you will stubbornly believe that this method is feasible, but subsequent practice has repeatedly proved that you are wrong, but you are unwilling to admit it and insist on your own way. This is obsession.

14. When the execution of a transaction deviates from your expectations, you will regret it for a long time and think about it over and over again. This is obsession.

There are many more obsessions in trading, and I won’t list them one by one. Just like the male protagonist in last year’s movie who gambled everything on one throw, if the obsession is removed, one thought will become a Buddha, and if the obsession is too strong, one thought will become a devil. Are there not many people who have lost their minds and finally fallen into the abyss?

Take care of your trading emotions and keep rational thinking, so that trading can be stable and lasting. #BTC  #ETH