Top 5 coins that I am going to buy in May.

Even though the picture shows ada, I'm not going to buy this garbage. All liquidity is now in new coins.

1. $ENA - I really believe in this project. They are doing something like terra luna if you remember, but taking into account all their mistakes. A technology that is really missing in the crypto market.

2. $W - has corrected well since the listing and seems to have found support. I think we can pick it up little by little. Connect blockchains to each other.

3. $STRK - I think it will show itself. A number of projects are being built on this blockchain. There is also a very secure native wallet from which it is impossible to steal funds even if they recognize the seed phrase.

4. $ATOM - among the old ones, I’m only looking at this coin, since other blockchains are actively being created on it.

5. $ZETA is a blockchain that is trying to make Ethereum and Bitcoin friends. A very large audience that is just waiting for a profitable point to buy.

If you don’t agree, write with reason 👇
