24/05/04BTC callback has ended, and the false break is about to hit 80,000. Is this the wash effect you want?

Happy May Day! On the first day of the holiday, 5/01, everyone was in a panic. The price of Bitcoin fell to 56552. It has now rebounded to 63200 and stood above 59600 and 60600, reversing the trend. Previously, we predicted that it would fall below 59600, causing longs to sell collectively and shorts to chase in. It would fall to 53000-56000 and then pull up. Longs and shorts would explode, and there would be a mess everywhere. However, the lowest price did not fall to the range we mentioned, and 56552 was also very close. The internal skirt reminded me of Bitcoin and Ethereum's entry at around 57000. At the same time, it also reminded me that if Bitcoin would return to above 59600-60600, shorts would turn to more, which is a way to lure shorts. The second is that if 56555 falls below, it will reach the support of 50000-53000. These positions are all opportunities for medium and long-term layout.

24/04/28BTC continues to fall, can 59600 hold up? Pay attention to the opportunity to return after breaking down? This article focuses on the opportunity to return after breaking down 59600-60600 key support. It also makes a reference and comparison with some historical trends in the past. If you are interested, you can take a closer look.

Never believe that failure is worth it. Failure is failure. It will not bring success and is not worth pursuing. Sharpening skills is because skills cannot be avoided.


The Bitcoin pullback has ended. It rebounded from 56552 to 63200, up more than 6000 points, which is quite strong. Next, it depends on whether the pressure of 64500 can be broken through, and whether there is a breakthrough of the 4-hour downward trend line.

If the market breaks through and the market is fully bullish, this false break is just to wash out retail investors. Therefore, we have reminded retail investors before that if the market cannot reach the real bottom, the best way to invest is to invest in batches after a correction. Although the average price is high, it can avoid missing out.

Washing the market means washing out the unsteady chips. The average price of ETFs such as BlackRock is 55,000. Grayscale has been selling. Selling high is for buying low and for the second wave of market. Grayscale, BlackRock and other companies are selling chips at high levels for a bigger market. Otherwise, is it possible that Grayscale, as an old investor in the currency circle, does not have much BTC in this bull market?

Australia passed the gold ETF. If the Bitcoin spot ETF is passed, it will be of great reference significance. The gold ETF passed and the bull market lasted for ten years. Next, BTC ETFs will bloom all over the world, including the United States, Hong Kong, and Australia... The average entry price of ETFs such as BlackRock is 55,000, and these institutions or customers do not use their funds for short-term trading. The shutdown price of Bitcoin mining machines is 56,000 (more than 40,000 for new ones). If you don't know any background and say 80,000 to 100,000 when it rises, and zero when it falls, then you will always be a pitiful person.




It rebounded from 2817 to 3126, more than 300 points, and was effectively supported by MA120 for the third time. According to the current false break and return of Bitcoin, the probability of Ethereum’s true bottom is relatively high. There is at most one more retracement as the best entry opportunity, otherwise many people will miss out again, and the same is true for copycats.

If the price line touches MA20 for the fifth time, it is likely to be a real breakthrough. Many copycats still grasp the status themselves or add internal: CJ0011188. Technically, MACD double bottom divergence, OBV forms a W shape and other breakthrough opportunities. Needless to say, just copy the bottom and hold it.



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