You've probably already seen some decent gains during this upward market trend, maybe somewhere between $10,000 to $20,000. But when the dust settles, you might find yourself holding onto just $1,000 instead of hitting that million-dollar mark. Why? Because knowing how to hang onto your cash is crucial. Here are five common mistakes to avoid that can help you keep more money in your pocket:

1. Don't chase after every hot trend.

- With the market buzzing, it's tempting to jump on every new opportunity that pops up. But it's wise to tread carefully. Rapidly shifting your investments during a bullish market is risky business. Stick to one solid trend instead of spreading yourself too thin across multiple risky ventures.

2. Have a game plan before making moves.

- Thinking you'll strike it rich by blindly throwing money into any coin is wishful thinking. A well-thought-out strategy beats relying on luck any day. Spend some time researching and crafting a plan before diving in.

3. Think before you trade.

- Take a cue from the previous point, but with a bit more detail. Before diving into a new token, do your homework. Understand how it operates, what the project aims to achieve, and maybe even dabble in some basic technical analysis. Doing your due diligence can help stack the odds in your favor.

4. Keep your greed in check.

- It's easy to get greedy, especially after scoring big profits. But holding out for that elusive 100x return could lead to losing everything. Instead, aim to secure profits gradually. This way, most of your trades will either break even or bring in some gains.

5. Don't waste time sitting idle.

- The current market is brimming with opportunities. The more effort you put in now, the brighter your future prospects will be. Roll up your sleeves and dive in headfirst. The potential rewards are substantial, but remember, these opportunities won't last forever. Seize the moment while you still can.