A friend, a man, went on a business trip to Hefei. When he was singing in KTV at night, a local client called a few girls. One of the girls wanted to talk to him and said that he fell in love with the girl at first sight. He ignored the repeated persuasion of other colleagues and even local clients, and took the girl back to Wuhan that night, took her back to his rented house, and started living together. From then on, he boasted to us about how happy he was. Every day when he got home from work, there would be ready meals. After living with him for a month, the police suddenly came to the company. After asking, they found out that his so-called girlfriend had borrowed 300,000 yuan online in his name. Now she has disappeared. He reported the case. It turned out that he had no defense against the girl in the past month. The house keys, ID card, mobile phone, all were unprotected. As a result, the girl took advantage of his sleep one night, borrowed money and disappeared. The police said that this did not constitute a crime. It was a matter of mutual consent. They asked him to go back and wait for notification, and there was no follow-up. He also had an online loan of 300,000 yuan. Then do you think it's over? The good show has just begun.

A week later, the woman came back and cried and told her that her family was actually in Shanghai. Her family was in the shipbuilding business. Her parents died early, and her aunt raised her. There was a house in her parents' will that belonged to her, but it would not be transferred to her name until she was 20 years old. Yes, she was not yet 20 years old. My colleague asked, why did you lie to me and use my name to take out an online loan? She said that her brother had a fight with someone in Shanghai and accidentally broke the other person's crotch. The other party wanted compensation, otherwise he would sue her brother and put him in jail. Her brother didn't dare to tell his family, so he found her. She took the 300,000 yuan and paid it to others first. Hearing this, we also admired this girl. My colleague asked again, why did you come back? She said, I want to take you back to see my aunt and want to continue to be with you. Then, he forgave her, he sold his only property, his car, paid off the online loan, bought some gifts, and happily prepared to go back to Shanghai with her to inherit the family property. As a result, the night before departure, the girl's younger brother also came to Wuhan, saying that he wanted to thank his brother-in-law and invited him to drink. He was so happy that he drank too much and woke up. Yes, that's right, the man ran away again, leaving him with only an online loan of 270,000 yuan. Hemp ropes only break at the thinnest part, and girls only pick on stupid people.

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