Today we are living in two worlds, one is the real world in which we have always been living and the other is the virtual world. The virtual world includes Facebook and other social media. In the virtual world we can connect with each other, while in the real world we can meet each other sitting face to face. Our daily work is done in the real world only.

In today's digital age, the virtual world is overpowering the real world. Everyone is busy with social media. Nowadays, we are all hooked to social media. Social media has become like an addiction nowadays. Due to digital and social media, we are getting away from the real world. The virtual world has many advantages and disadvantages. The virtual world is rapidly developing, such as the metaverse. The metaverse makes us feel that we are in the real world. Here, we can touch the objects. We can move around according to their movement. On the other hand, in the real world, all things are in front of us. We can see them and feel them as well.

After the Covid wave, the use of virtual world has increased a lot. During the time of COVID, many people worked from home and now work from home is going on in many places. Not only this, the virtual world has opened a treasure trove of jobs, today we can start any business or job sitting at home, such as online graphics design, trading, YouTube, digital marketing, freelancing, etc. We can do all this comfortably with the help of virtual world.

Let's talk about some of its advantages and disadvantages: The virtual world has made some of our daily tasks easier, like if we want to send a message, we can send it through social media or email without any delay. On the other hand, in the real world, we can communicate directly by sitting face to face.

Staying in the virtual world for long tends to lead to a lack of confidence in us whereas, on the other hand, our confidence level increases a lot due to interaction and conversation in the real world.

In the virtual world, we consume many kinds of content due to which our mind sometimes gets diverted and we sometimes get involved in wrong activities.

In the virtual world we can talk to each other globally through video calls but if we do the same in the real world, it will take time.

In the virtual world, credibility cannot be trusted, which means that anyone can fool you by creating a fake account.

Some wrong things are also seen in the virtual world due to which we get involved in wrong misconceptions and negative things.

ConclusionNew revolutions are taking place in the virtual world every day. And its popularity is also increasing rapidly. But we should not forget the real world along with the virtual world. We should spend limited time in the virtual world (social media) and pay more attention to our real world. Overall, we should spend limited time on social media networking sites and pay attention to our real world.