Wealth is a scarce resource. Like truth, it is always in the hands of a few people. Only by getting rid of the rigid thinking of following the crowd can you meet wealth on a narrow road.

How precious it is to remain rational and sober in the market. To become a winner, you must overcome your own human weaknesses and control them within a moderate range. Dare to insist on independent and rational thinking.

The ideological logic of modern speculation success is to assume that the public will continue to make the same mistakes in the future.

This is the root of speculation success. Most losers in the market lose to themselves.

Everything has its own internal operating laws, and the market is the same. The law is something that is static and moving, and static and moving. It is not immutable and perfect, but the law has its effectiveness.

The effectiveness of the law most importantly includes the ratio of success to failure, the ratio of return to risk, the fund management system, and the discipline system.

There are risks in the cryptocurrency circle, so how to avoid risks? For example, if you buy today and lose money tomorrow, do you think you should get out?

Perhaps you will think, what if I sell it and it goes up the day after tomorrow? Well said, but have you ever thought about what to do if it goes down tomorrow?

Since the rise and fall cannot be predicted the day after tomorrow, you must get out if you lose money today, because you are already wrong, and you must admit it and correct it.

If you are wrong and don't correct it, but put your hope on unknown things, then please leave without hesitation, this is not a place for you.

Financial trading is a long-term learning process, and the market is not a place where it is easy to make money. If they want to succeed, they must study and work harder than others, and they should find their own position.

Everyone wants to learn a trick that can kill the throat with one sword, but such trading opportunities do not always exist, and they need to wait patiently. In the process of waiting, they should accumulate comprehensive abilities, including comprehensive abilities in mentality, technology, capital, fundamentals, etc.

Opportunities only favor those who are prepared. Only when all aspects are ready can you seize the short opportunity and achieve ultimate success. #ETH #BTC走势分析