When doing short-term contract trading, the most important thing is to do the right trend. Instead of always caring about whether the market is "bull or bear", the market is always there. In this up and down system, it is enough to get the amount you want. So operate rationally. What to predict? We are here to make money, not to be a forecaster. We need to be more sure and ask ourselves whether we can make a profit once we open the current amount? Instead of panic, panic, and all kinds of anxiety, we cannot restrain our fear and worry, which leads to the fact that even if our operation is correct, we cannot overcome psychological barriers. Stop loss again and again, stop loss again and again, over and over again, the handling fee is not enough to deduct, and finally make ourselves exhausted, desperate, depressed and painful. The market is infinite, but our funds are limited. There is no need to get emotional, that kind of bullish and rebellious spirit, and go against the market all at once. So how small we are, we are swallowed up without negotiation! The market is so cruel, we should follow the trend and be in awe. Don't do what you can't do, don't open if you are not sure. If you lose money, you should calm down instead of trying to recover it immediately. As I said before, the market is there every day. If you are not in the car, it's like you have lost millions. Repeatedly in the car, frequently open non-stop, and finally finish it. What we need to do is to capture good information and win the shot. Wait and be patient. Although the road is simple, it is just a few short words. It really takes a bloody lesson to experience. I have gone through the process that everyone has gone through, without exception. Trading should be serious. Have your own way of playing and system of shooting. Repeat the operations you are good at. Long-term compound interest and stable happiness! Take a proper holiday to study. Don't open an order without a great opportunity. I set up a free group yesterday. There are a lot of people, so I will be more cautious in judgment and open fewer orders. If I have to open an order, I will do it as steadily as possible. This is responsible enough for everyone$BTC $ETH #5月市场关键事件