The way is simple. You only need one magical moving average to make a good deal. Strictly follow the rules and you will get a lot of benefits. How to make the simplest and most effective trading system


Today, I will not talk about the market but about trading. I will share with you the simplest and most practical indicator I use, the magical 169ma (yellow curve in the picture). It is applicable to all 15 minutes, 4 hours, daily and weekly lines. I only use this one moving average. You can review Bitcoin's 169ma, which is usually the support and pressure conversion position of the Vegas channel, and is usually the detonation point and bull-bear conversion point of the bull market.

Review Bitcoin's daily line, altcoin daily line, and 4-hour line. It is very useful. The way is simple. Sometimes one moving average is enough!

Look at Figure 1 Ethereum ETH's market in the past two or three days, the 15-minute line, the suppression and breakthrough support of the 15-minute 169ma. If the closing line is below 169ma, it is a short position, and if the closing line is above it, it is a long position. Have you found it? It's amazing.

Look at Figure 2 today's demon coin TRB, the large-scale 4-hour 169ma. In the past two months, every time it hit the 4-hour 169ma, it could not break through and fell due to the resistance of the Vegas channel. Today is also a critical moment, and it may break through soon. Isn't it amazing? ? Have you discovered a new world?

It seems to be the same for Pie. Why don't you try to review it? Close all other moving averages and indicators, and only leave this 169ma on the entire K-line disk. You will find that trading is actually very simple.