I believe that everyone has seen a lot of "negative news" about me during my week-long trip to Japan. Many fans have stood up for me, and there have also been many fence-sitters who, under the lure of the fraud team's offer to blacklist me and get 188U by having the highest number of views, have also followed suit!

Many people don’t know the ins and outs of this. OK, if you want to eat melons, I will satisfy you. This article is my final reply to the chief photo-editing fraud team. I will also keep it pinned on top for a long time. For all subsequent photo-editing rumors from this team, people can see the truth by clicking on my homepage. So that’s it.

🔸Among the fraudulent accounts: Original name: Saving Retail Investors Diary, but after defrauding too many people, it was renamed Chief Trader Diary

1. Chief Trader's Diary,

2. Analyst A Bie,

3. Sustainable Little White Dog,

4. Trading foot Lao Deng,

5. Who dares to call themselves the No.1 sister of BN? There is only He Yi, the No.1 sister of BN! Others who call themselves the No.1 sister of BN are all bastards!

6. Analyst Wuzhu, etc., and others are waiting for enthusiastic netizens to add, I will continue to follow up! Later, I will publish all the fraudulent photo-editing accounts in this post in the form of stickers! Today, I am the 315 of the square!

There are only 282 people in the group, but there are more than 500 views on Telegram. The purpose is to make users think that the member group is large.

First of all, let me tell you what a matrix is. It means a team with multiple accounts. Cast a wide net and reap as many rewards as possible!

See the figure below for the specific matrix! The team claimed to be able to control the rise and fall of Ethereum. I almost cried when I knew the truth.

The simplest way is to have one account and configure 5 small accounts, or one person manages 2 KOL accounts and configures multiple small accounts at the same time. Those who understand know that in their comment area, only the comments of their small accounts are left, and their small account comments are basically:

1. Teacher, the boss is really awesome. I have made a lot of money from you.

2. How does the teacher enter?

3. It’s only been two days and the membership fee has been refunded.

If you have time, you can go and have a look, and then you can directly block this team. It's a waste of time to criticize!

A careful look at all the small accounts in their comment section revealed that without exception they followed all of their matrix team accounts.

In the past, I only knew that the chief trader had a photoshopped fraud account. This time, because I had busted it, the entire team became anxious and all the accounts were exposed to the public.

🔹I guess there will be some adjustments after my Thunder Hammer evidence comes out. 😁

Fraud Matrix

This group of teams have been constantly trying to take advantage of my traffic a few months ago. They didn't mention me by name at the time. If my fans hadn't sent me screenshots, I wouldn't have known about the existence of this group of scumbags. I didn't take it seriously. I don't think they are people on the same channel. Everyone should just play their own game and do their best.

🔸Cause of the tearing

I posted an article on March 23, and I discovered that there is a bug in the Square, which means that the new timeline will not be displayed for the article you edited for the second time.

How to understand this: For example, I posted on May 1st, BTC: 60,000 long, but BTC is falling, but I can change my long view on May 1st to short on May 3rd, and then all the small accounts come to the comment area to create momentum and marketing. The second editing here will not show the trace of the second editing of the article.

Then the photo editing team can quote this article, mark the so-called "key points", and tell everyone, I am awesome, I can help you losers to counterattack, cross the class, come and join me, not 3,000 or 4,000, only 388~

I simply found a bug, but I didn't expect that the chief team of photo-editing scams has been taking advantage of this bug to change articles and defraud new users of their membership fees.

🔸I reiterate that in March, I had no idea that such a team existed. It was only when I was writing that I suddenly discovered this shocking bug. It is not clear whether the bug has been fixed. For details, please see the article: Secondary editing bug article

On the same day, the chief photo-editing team directly criticized me by name in an article, saying that I was known as the number one technical expert in the square and what kind of articles I wrote. I thought, these scumbags usually just want to get traffic, and I didn’t take it seriously if they didn’t disname me by name. But this time they criticized you by name, and if I don’t respond, do they really think everyone is a soft persimmon to be squeezed?

After responding on the same day, I continued my work. As a result, haha, in order to prove how awesome he was, he opened a small account and came to my group to show off, and recorded the news that he joined other bloggers as members. For details, please see the video in this link! The video of the chief photo retouching team joining other bloggers to transfer the strategy.

I will upload three pictures, you can judge for yourself! The chief photo-editing fraud team joined other bloggers as members, and then changed other people's points, which became their own team's strategy. 😁 The most important thing is that he posted this video himself to show off. Shocked, shocked! He called people this brother and that brother in a disgusting way.

🔸The second part of the real hammer!

The story of migrant workers going bankrupt! Just look at pictures 2 and 3!

🔸Well, I was said to have caused the liquidation of migrant workers, and I wanted to sympathize with the vulnerable group of migrant workers. However, everyone here knows how to trade, right? I was 1,500 points away from liquidation, but the margin rate was less than 5%? ? ? ? The picture in the chat record in Figure 2 is still black. 😂 A team of so many people can't beat one person, and they also exposed the fact that their team is a master of photo retouching! It's really embarrassing!

🔹It is said that I led a big investor to blow up 8 million, but I lost a picture of a loss of 200U. It is said that I collected 8000U from many people. Everyone knows that my payment method is only my ID. If this 8000U can be recorded by video, I will cancel the account immediately. Otherwise, do you dare to cancel it? Do you dare? Do you have the guts? You can tell at a glance in this situation!

Not everyone needs to make a living by collecting membership fees like you do! If I persuade those who want to pay me to quit, I will give them 100 if not 300!

If I follow the example of those who post group chats every day, only report good news but not bad news, and post take-profit orders desperately for fear that the whole network will not know about them, and I don’t even say a word about stop-loss orders, will it be difficult for me to earn more than 7 figures a year???

It is the same principle that when Jiang Taigong fishes, those who are willing to take the bait will be caught; when Shen Gongbao seeks death, everyone will condemn him.

🔸The third batch of confirmed photoshopped pictures!

Figure 1 is the first time I responded, the chief fraudster who was the leader of the matrix team came to lick me and ask for peace. I ignored him. He has been blasting me for months, and now he wants to make peace? How far away, how far away! I will never dance with scumbags and liars! Remember, never!

As a result, the person threw out this screenshot.

🔹My username is YanchiBit, with a capital B and an icon for my name. The photo-editing team was really careless and left many loopholes. It was really embarrassing. They photoshopped this photo to spread rumors that I was losing followers. Haha

🔸Online symposium of the fraud team, the content of the meeting: How to photoshop pictures to spread rumors and slander!

🔸The market has been falling throughout April, and I have given some opinions on spot, but I am indeed in a big dilemma.

This is not just me. I can say that as long as you have a position, as long as you buy any spot in April, there is no one that will not fall. I don't think there is any big problem with my position. The position I gave is already 20%30% lower than the holding cost of many people.

All my content is public. I won't show you how to make money in the community. It's meaningless to join the community! I keep reiterating that content is worthless, time and energy are valuable. Left-side trading does not require guidance. You just need to be a person with hands. If you don't even know the left and right sides and you expect to make money in trading, I can say bluntly that you know nothing about trading!

🔸The fourth bullet is confirmed!

Regarding real trading, I have never said how much money I can make with you on contracts. After two rounds of bull and bear markets, I know the pros and cons of contracts. The only way to make long-term profits is to increase your knowledge reserves and trade in the market that you understand and your own transactions.

Capable real-time trading is public real-time trading, just like the public domain real-time trading below. Rather than private domain, since they are big guys who choose to do private domain, they will never publicly show pictures again. We have private domains. As long as you give me 388U, you can come to the private domain and follow me. I have already mentioned above that the team has hundreds of small accounts, occupying their own private domain order quotas, hunger marketing, and routines. New users who are not familiar with the world.

After losing money, many novice traders often do not think about improving their trading skills and trading knowledge, but want to take shortcuts and hope that someone who steps on the colorful cloud will appear~

🔹Regarding the real-time profit, the team has made more than a dozen accounts public. If you brush both sides and brush a trend, won’t the data come out? ? ? The wear and tear is just the handling fee. Will you lose money? ? Do you have a brain? Real-time only looks at the public. Since you choose the private domain, no one will shout, "Come and see how awesome my private domain is!"

🔸The fifth bullet is confirmed!

This idiot posted a message saying that I had sneaked into their member group? This was an early blogger group in the square. I didn't expect that he dared to say that this group was actually his. Hahaha, everyone in this group is his member? 🤡 What on earth are you trying to pretend every day? Don't you feel uncomfortable pretending like this? After others read yours, won't they read mine? Where is your face now? Hahaha

I was treated like a fool in the author group. Why do I still go to the square to pretend? I used to brag about getting the yellow V certification, but it’s just a certification of the number of fans. There are those with more than 30,000 fans, or those with more than 50,000 fans on external sites. I went to brush up an external site account with 50,000 fans, and was found by the official, and was directly removed~😁

🤡To be honest, there is a saying that as long as I am not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed. This saying is really the only principle of their team. I guess it is posted all over the company.

Matrix's evil money-making trick!

They may even not charge any fees, which is very noble. We don’t charge any fees. We help you make money first and then we’ll take a commission.

This is even simpler. This time all the accounts of their team have been exposed. If not 10, there are at least 8.

Four numbers will give you more money, and four numbers will give you less money. There is always one side that is right, and there is always one side that can receive money.

If the community's strategy doesn't even have analysis, and there is no logic in the analysis, they will just send you XX more XX empty ones, and just take a look, because they themselves have no analytical ability! They just copy and modify other people's strategies.

Some people say that by exposing it like this, I am depriving people of their money, which is like killing their parents.

I want to say, you really don’t know how stupid you are when you say that!

I was inexplicably scammed and trolled for months. Now the entire team is photoshopping and spreading rumors about me every day, and I can't even respond? Please stop being a mother.

I am a simple person. You are a smiling tiger, and I can also be a smiling tiger. If you want to be the first day, don't blame me for being the fifteenth. If I have to tear it, I will tear it to pieces.

I want to say that motherly love is overflowing. Don’t advise others to do good without experiencing their suffering.

The methods used by the chief fraud P-picture team are summarized as follows:

1. Photoshopping profitable orders to stimulate new users and create anxiety. Those who are losing money will inexplicably feel a sense of admiration when seeing large funds, thinking, "Big brother, take me lead, dear father, take me lead."

2. Exploit BUG loopholes to perform secondary editing of articles, modify viewpoints, and entry and exit positions.

3. The team has multiple kol accounts, and each person is configured with 5-10 small accounts to create momentum in their own comment area, and send messages like "Teacher, I made a lot of money, I doubled it in two days, teacher is awesome" ~ so that retail investors can further believe it!

4. Advanced private domain order-leading. As mentioned above, multiple KOL accounts in the team exchanged multiple accounts to create a profitable account with a value of around 5 digits and then changed its name, thereby stimulating the leeks to come to my private domain to bring orders. As long as the deposit is 388, you can follow me. The team has hundreds of small accounts occupying the toilet to fill up the quota, creating an effect of supply exceeding demand.

5. The advanced version is free of charge. As mentioned above, after the team’s multiple KOL accounts are directed together, they send long signals to users while sending short signals to users, thereby earning commissions after making profits.

🔸It is normal for transactions to be right or wrong. No one can make money forever. As a KOL, it is also normal for everyone to earn some risk-free income. I think it is really normal for someone to collect information for you every day, watch the market for opportunities, and charge a little fee. This is also what most KOLs are doing now. This is really a very normal thing. Whether it is knowledge payment or hard work fee, it is all within the normal range. One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer.

However, the means of photo-editing, secondary editing and using agents are disgusting. This is completely a scam without any ability.


I borrowed a passage from Ni Da below: I also added some of my recent essays

In the past, I always wanted to be a good person and answer my friends' questions as much as possible within my ability. I have never refused any trading questions asked by my friends.

But I found that this kind of good temper ultimately leads to free slander, provocation and nitpicking.

I always tell everyone, as long as you ask nice questions, I will give nice answers.

If you don't like it, you don't have to watch it. If you want to scold me, that's fine. But I hope you don't watch it and enjoy my efforts while scolding me. It's very easy to block each other. It's not your fault that you have low quality. It's because you didn't receive a complete education. I can understand.

I am not a good person, but I am not bad enough. I never attack people with different opinions. I am willing to share, learn, and make myself better. I am improving myself in real life and on the Internet. I also hope to use my knowledge to help everyone lose less money. Almost all of my content does not need to be deleted or modified. This is my contribution to everyone in the past year and a half, and it is also the result of my step-by-step learning. What I do is to try my best to be a good person, a person who is useful to everyone.

What about some people? Besides criticizing and photoshopping other bloggers, what else have you contributed? It is not a question of whether it is harder to be a bad person or a good person. Starting today, I don’t want to be a good person anymore. Do everything according to the rules!

Birds of a feather flock together. Anyone with a different level of character and conduct is destined to be on a different channel and not belong to the same group... Justice is in the hearts of the people!

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