The Bitcoin released in advance fell below 60,000‼ ️ETH shorted 500 points in advance and doubled‼ ️I will focus on the two pressure zones of ETH. The first pressure zone is around 3032 in the figure‼ ️

The second pressure zone is around 3100, and it is currently 3096 to 3141

With the subsequent rebound of BTC, I may consider moving the second pressure zone up to 3118 to 3168

Previously, 3086 was long to 3320, and then the 3316 to 3356 shorted in advance also fell by 500 points. Even if the 20x leverage is light, it is enough for you to double. As I said, everything I did was publicly analyzed and sent to you. This order of 3316 to 3356 was considered shorted 10 days in advance, and then I will insert a 3086 long order during the rise to 3320‼ ️Trading is like this, wait, and then hit it‼ ️#美联储何时降息? #5月市场关键事件 #比特币现货ETF持续淨流出