#Web3Wallet #Megadrop

💻Web 2.0🚀

Period: 2004 - Present

The current version of the internet that we are familiar with is known as Web2.0, but we are on the brink of transitioning to Web3.0. Unlike the early days of the internet (Web1.0), where information was mostly static and provided by companies or organizations, Web2.0 thrives on user-generated content. This means users are not just passive consumers but active contributors to the web's content. Social media platforms, like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, exemplify this shift, where users create and share posts, photos, and videos, shaping the online landscape in real time.

In Web2.0, information is fetched from sophisticated databases, giving users dynamic and interactive experiences. Features like advanced buttons through HTML forms and the ability to upload multimedia content directly to servers empower users to create and share in real time.

Overall, Web2.0 represents a significant leap forward in interactivity and engagement compared to its predecessor. If you are curious to dive deeper into the world of Web1.0, check out the following link for more information.

1) Web1.0 👈


- More for all, less for none. -