Ethereum has been urged to update recently, especially last week's one-week offline practical training, and everyone has gained a lot. However, there are still some coin friends who have not developed the habit of setting stop loss, which eventually leads to being locked in positions to be solved. Boshi emphasizes in every article that it is possible not to set take profit, but stop loss must be set. This is a habit that must be developed in contract trading, especially for those who want to develop in the coin circle for a long time. Otherwise, you will be eliminated by the market sooner or later.

Now let's look at today's market. As of press time, the price of Ethereum is around 2950. It can be seen that the daily chart has fallen below the bearish trend of the EMA120 trend indicator 3030. The lowest has reached the EMA180 indicator 2820, and this wave of liquidation has eliminated many coin friends. KDJ opens downward, MACD bottom begins to diverge, DIF and DEA golden cross breaks 3200 and then falls below 3030 to form a reverse dead cross. The long and short exchange range is clear, but the trend cannot be reversed in a short time. Rational operation is the key. The Bollinger Bands move downward and close, the lower rail support comes to around 2920, and the middle rail support extends to 3110. The overall trend shows a volatile downward trend, so focus on the turning points between 3030 and 3000.


On the four-hour chart, we can see that the EMA trend indicator 15 is under pressure at 3015, indicating that the pressure above the 3000 mark is effective. If this point is not broken in the short term, it can be considered as a test position for short orders. After the overall EMA trend is completed, the dive spread occurs, and the short trend slows down, but it has not ended yet. KDJ is blocked by the 3000 mark pressure level and closes downward, MACD shrinks and moves upward, and DIF and DEA begin to close. The Bollinger Bands mid-regular pressure level is around 3030, and the lower rail support has fallen below 2800. Therefore, we should be prepared for both situations in terms of thinking, but the focus is still on high altitude.

The bull market is coming, spot and contract carnival feast! Roll funds together, stock up on bull market spot, and share the wealth feast! Nod and follow me, the bull market strategy deployment is revealed, so you can easily master the wealth code! Recruiting fans, I need you, you also need me, don’t be a runner-up in the bull market, let’s revel in the warehouse together! Refuse to be a heavy-weight god, steady investment is the kingly way!

If you think Boshi’s views are okay, you can click on the avatar to follow Boshi. Thank you for reading. Finally, what Boshi wants to say is that there are still many things that have not been expressed, and you can’t understand everything through just one article. You can continue to follow Boshi, and let us create brilliance together in the new round of bull market!

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