$GAL Bottom-fishing mining to get the open airdrop

It has fallen 20% from 4.5u in the past few days

But the early bird bonus is 70%

So as long as you keep mining, you won’t lose money

And now 3.5u is nothing to be afraid of

The most important thing is that now is the first batch of GAL to eat crabs

It’s not too much to mine four or five periods of exceeding expectations

Otherwise, how to raise more money

When staking, enter the invitation code for getting rich: MTPYYXAS

The portal for getting rich staking: https://app.galxe.com/staking

You can also enter from the official push

Remember to use BNBchain

Gas is low

You can buy GAL directly on Binance

#挖矿 #5月市场关键事件 #Meme币你看好哪一个? #Airdrop‬⁩