Unisat can't really be blamed for the Swap. If they must be held responsible, it's that they locked up the user's money for so long, and the final solution was that they could only withdraw it within a limited time, and there was no compensation at the end. This is indeed petty, but it is also completely in line with the tradition of Chinese companies lol, not just Unisat, they should have been mentally prepared when they locked up the funds. But this is not the core content.

The point is that in the emerging Bitcoin ecosystem of BRC20, every company wants to seize the opportunity to become the leader of this sub-industry, and Unisat does have this ability, and the module has indeed been made. The problem is that Domo and L1F suddenly popped up, trying to play the role of the BRC20 House of Representatives/Senate. Any company's hard-earned BRC20 ecological products suddenly have to be reviewed by L1F, which has led to today's situation. Who could have thought of this before?

In addition, good news must be issued in the bull market to pull the market and ship it out. Unless it is absolutely necessary, no one is willing to issue good news in the bear market, so the Swap issue can only be stuck here due to various factors.

#swap #unisatswap #unisat #ARKB #EZET