Cosmos (ATOM) is called the "Internet of Blockchains" by its founding team, aiming to build a cryptographic network united by open source tools to simplify transactions between various blockchains.

Unlike other projects, Cosmos focuses on customizability and interoperability. It aims to build a network ecosystem that can programmatically share data and tokens without relying on centralized institutions to facilitate activities.

In Cosmos, each newly created independent blockchain (called a “zone”) is tied to the Cosmos Hub, which records the state of each zone and supports the interconnection of each zone. The Cosmos Hub is a proof-of-stake blockchain backed by its native ATOM cryptocurrency.

Why are ATOMs valuable? ATOMs play a key role in maintaining interoperability within the wider Cosmos network and can be used to hold, spend, send, or stake. As more other blockchains are built into the network, the value of ATOMs increases as they rely on the Cosmos Hub to maintain transaction history. By owning and staking ATOMs, users can vote to participate in network upgrades, with voting power proportional to the number of ATOMs they stake.

Cosmos rewards validators with ATOMs based on the number of tokens they stake, and delegators also receive a small portion of the rewards. However, investors should note that there is currently no limit on the supply of new ATOMs that can be created, but Cosmos will adjust the number of tokens created based on the number of ATOMs staked, resulting in an annual inflation rate of between 7% and 20%.

Why use ATOM? Users may be attracted to the Cosmos Network because it focuses on facilitating interoperability between blockchains. Various projects are built on the Cosmos Network, including price-stable cryptocurrencies and decentralized finance (DeFi) projects. If investors believe that developers will flock to frameworks that enable the launch of custom blockchains, they may also consider buying ATOM and adding it to their portfolios.
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