Let's also talk about why the trading volume of Hong Kong's crypto ETFs is lower than expected, and how to deal with it in the future.

I have previously pointed out that the physical subscription model of Hong Kong's crypto ETFs will lay mines and cause actual shipments and market crashes.

Because of physical subscriptions, it can be expected that the trading volume of ETFs will definitely decrease.

However, from another perspective, this is a long-term positive for the cryptocurrency ecosystem and liquidity.

The whales can enter and exit more freely, and they will not directly crash the market.

Overall, all good news is bad news, and all bad news is good news. The cryptocurrency industry has been closely connected with traditional finance, and the future is promising.

In May, it is not a dream for the big cake and the concubine to rise by 10 to 20%.

With 6 years of experience in the cryptocurrency industry, you can consult for free on any questions. If you want to communicate with me, please click on the avatar.

$BNB $USDC #香港加密货币ETF