Those who say that BTC is going to the moon when it reaches 72k, it has just begun, will soon shout that BTC is dead, we are finished. Ladies and Gentlemen, neither of them are convincing... Do not let the words and discourses in the markets convince you. I always say that declines are gradual buying opportunities. I stated last week that declines may come in May and that every decline is a buying opportunity. I still think that BTC will drop to 58k on the weekly charts (there is serious liquidation in this region). However, not those who run away from these declines, but those who save costs by making small purchases and taking advantage of each decline can be comfortable. The green market image experienced in the past months made many people buy at the top. Now these people are about to sell at the bottom (the markets' favorite irony). Those who bought like crazy thinking they missed the bull can examine the Bollinger Bands on the weekly charts. We still haven't reached the bottom line of the Bollinger Bands, but we're almost there. I'm hopeful for the coming months and I'm taking every dip. May will offer the last opportunities to ride the train...