I only have one permanent profit strategy, which is…

Hold FDUSD directly, then buy Bnb at a low point, and mine the entire cycle. This permanent profit strategy is 1-3% per period, if there are two periods a month, it is 2-6%, and the total is 2.5%, which is 2.5✖️12🟰30% per year.

Where can you find this kind of business?

For rational value investment, you have two accounts, one for you to continue the contract, and one for a year. Most people have only one ending, that is, you sell FDUSD halfway, and then carry the order, and it's gone. 😄

And a small number of people will understand the interests involved, and thus understand what rational value investment is. Stay away from jumping gods, and choose derivatives that are suitable for you to make money.

I will not recommend new coins in the future. The ones I sold at the opening have skyrocketed, and the ones I sold have plummeted. 😑 Mine and sell by yourself! #REZ #Launchpool #BNB