
I saw a tweet a few days ago that a player downloaded a fake imtoken wallet and had 30.8 BTC and 328.9 ETH stolen, nearly 3 million US dollars, equivalent to more than 22 million RMB!

Your wallet is stolen and your assets are reduced to zero. This is the fastest way to lose money in the crypto market.

Downloaded a fake wallet and 30.8 BTC was stolen

According to the on-chain track of the stolen wallet address, 30.8 BTC were transferred in on February 12 and transferred out on April 25.

The owner said that he downloaded the imtoken wallet from Baidu search on April 25 and imported the mnemonic phrase. 12 minutes later, 30.8 BTC and 328.9 ETH in the wallet were transferred away.

According to the records, after the BTC was transferred, it was dispersed to 3 different wallet addresses, and they are still on the chain.

ETH was transferred to multiple different wallet addresses and was not transferred to the KYC platform, so it is impossible to find out the culprit behind it.

A crypto wallet only has a pair of public and private keys, which is decentralized, anonymous, and traceable.

As long as you hold the mnemonic phrase, you are the owner of the wallet; if the mnemonic phrase is leaked, the wallet will change hands and no one can do anything about it.

All on-chain transaction records are queryable

Seeing this player’s wallet being stolen, some people were secretly delighted while others lamented, wondering why there are still people downloading wallets from Baidu?

But there are indeed many new players who download from search or get some tools through browser search.

Due to the current market situation, many search results are inaccurate; some real websites are blacklisted, while phishing websites are rampant.

Many new players first think of downloading wallets by searching, which leads to the leakage of mnemonics and the theft of wallets.

These fake wallets may work fine at first and their interfaces are exactly the same, but the tools may have backdoors.

For example, if your mnemonic phrase or private key is recorded and your wallet balance increases later, it may be stolen without you being prepared.

Various wallet dapps

Don’t get wallets and other cryptocurrency tools from search engines, they are probably fake. Generally, there is a download entrance on the official website, jump from the official website to the app store to download the APP.

In addition, some installed wallets may even jump to the copycat version update page when reminding to update. For example, if the mobile phone is infected, it will cause the copycat app to be downloaded again and the assets will be stolen.

There is a threshold for using digital wallets. You need to learn first and then use it. Once you pay the tuition, the tuition fee will be huge.

Basic questions about wallet usage

I also encountered a wallet scam where a player lost 250,000 yuan.

He saw a wallet address on the Internet with more than 70,000 U, worth more than 500,000 RMB. The wallet owner sold the wallet for 25WR and gave a mnemonic phrase.

This group member actually paid 250,000 and got the mnemonic phrase.

The U contract in the wallet is correct, and the balance is correct, but the U in it cannot be transferred out.

The TRX transferred into this wallet was immediately transferred away, and the balance in the wallet could not be transferred out. I originally thought I could get a bargain, so I bought 7wu for 25wr, but it turned out to be a scam, and I lost both the money and the money.

Wallet with balance but unable to transfer

Someone analyzed this wallet. U is real, and the balance is real, but it is set to automatically transfer the incoming trx to the specified address.

Since the u in the wallet is real, why hasn’t it been transferred away?

It is very likely that the usdt in this account was initially transferred into by hackers, and then u was locked by Tether officials, and U could not be taken out of the wallet, so the hacker simply published the wallet mnemonic and stole TRX.

On some social media, there are also many “good-hearted people” who share wallet mnemonics;

After importing the mnemonic, there is indeed a U in the wallet, but there is no gas fee. Once the gas is transferred in, it is immediately transferred away. The balance cannot be taken away, and the gas is also defrauded.

The wallet mnemonic phrase that was shared

Blockchain is decentralized, and wallets are basic tools. Only when you have a wallet can you be considered to have a decentralized cryptocurrency.

However, there is a certain threshold for using a wallet. If your wallet is stolen accidentally, you will become a victim of hackers.

The above is just my personal opinion, not investment advice. I am Chu Xiaolian, and I am paying attention to the crypto market and web3.