#ETH ETH, the deduced position of 3018 last night has been reached as expected. At present, the antenna level has broken through the long and short prices and entered the short side. The weekly level has been adjusted for 4 consecutive weeks. At present, the general direction is mainly short orders. The 1/2/4 hour levels are all on the short side. You can't chase the short at present. Pay attention to the demand for small-level retracements. If it stands firmly at 3099, there may be small long orders to do. If it doesn't stand firmly, the market will continue to go short. The upper pressure level is: around 3279, 3352, and 3418. The lower support level is: around 3025, 2882, and 2796. Pay attention to 3172 at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning at the antenna level. If it doesn't break this position, the market will continue to go short.

The first-day trading volume of Hong Kong ETF is not as good as a local dog on the sol chain...

World Financial Center? I burst into tears when I knew the truth

Hong Kong opened an ETF, but the daily trading volume was only a few million US dollars.

Eigenlayer issued a coin, but was criticized.

If the pledge is continued, the market will collapse. The climax of the bull market has not yet come. Why does it feel like it is over?

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#香港加密货币ETF #减半后的资金流向 #Megadrop #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 $ETH $BTC $BNB