With the advancement of zero-knowledge (ToM) systems, one executive predicts that a breakthrough similar to the one experienced with AI chatbot ChatGPT could also occur in ToM systems. ToM is a method that allows one party to prove that another party is correct without revealing confidential information.

John Lilic, executive director of the Telos Foundation, stated that ZK is so fundamental and important that this technology is the "end game." Lilic believes that ToM systems will one day reach the level of traction that ChatGPT achieved when it was first introduced.

However, Richard Meissner, co-founder of Safe (formerly Gnosis Safe), stated that ZK technology is still in the "early stages of development" and further optimization is required.

Meanwhile, Terence Kwok, founder of Humanity Protocol, described the current state of ToM as “promising and evolving.” Kwok expressed optimism about ZK's role in shaping more secure, private, and decentralized environments.

Lilic gave examples of why ToM technology is important. Lilic noted that one potential use case for this technology is in a car rental system.

Web3 scalability relies on ZK

Besides this, Kwok stated that ZK technology is vital for Web3. “At a time when data breaches and privacy breaches are so common, ZK technology acts as a shield, allowing individuals to verify their identities and confirm transactions without revealing sensitive details,” Kwok said.

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