The trading volume of Hong Kong virtual asset ETF on the first day of listing was about HK$87.6 million, and Huaxia Group accounted for nearly 57%

According to news on April 30, Hong Kong stock market data showed that as of today's close, the trading volume of Hong Kong virtual asset ETF on the first day of listing reached HK$87.6149 million.

Among them, the trading volume of Huaxia Bitcoin ETF (3042.HK) was HK$37.1684 million

The trading volume of Huaxia Ethereum ETF (3046.HK) was HK$12.6635 million

The trading volume of Harvest Bitcoin ETF (3439.HK) was HK$17.8908 million

The trading volume of Harvest Ethereum ETF (3179.HK) was HK$4.9553 million

The trading volume of Boshi HashKey Bitcoin ETF (3008.HK) was HK$12.4476 million

The trading volume of Boshi HashKey Ethereum ETF (3009.HK) was HK$2.4893 million

Compared to when the US just launched the Bitcoin spot ETF, the daily turnover of 11 spot Bitcoin ETFs when they started trading in the US in January reached about US$4.6 billion on the first trading day. But excluding the Grayscale ETF, the issuance scale of the 10 U.S. Bitcoin spot ETF issuers on the first day of January 10 this year was US$125 million, which is lower than the total issuance scale of the Huaxia Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs reported this morning, which was HK$1.1 billion.