Hundred-fold coin is fresh out? Have you bought it? #iotx has lost 40%. Our big V anchor asked his fans to increase their positions! This is the nth time he has increased his positions. It feels like all his wealth has been lost. #ace , do you want to sell it? Oh my god, it feels like his comment area is full of victims!

Maybe the comments have been deleted when you go to see it later, but too many people have been trapped by his remarks. Who doesn't have a family? Such an irresponsible remark from you may cause many family tragedies. Especially in this particularly turbulent market, is there basically no hope for half a year if you are trapped?

We look at the articles he posted, either profit taking or stop loss, or margin doubling. Brother, are you asking everyone to follow you to be a gambler?

They all have wives and children, and they all have elderly people. Who in the currency circle is not the backbone of the family? As bloggers, we should at least have a principal guarantee for the fans who follow us. How do they deal with your orders without stop profit and stop loss? When you lose, there is no limit. When you make a profit, there is a rebound. The profit you have kept for half a month is lost again! ! ! So, when you follow orders, you must open your eyes and see the facts clearly.

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