#美联储 #大盘走势 $BNB $SHIB $DOGE

I think investing in the crypto industry is one of the most certain things in the world. Here are my main views and strategies on this:

I. Main investment strategies

Master the cycle and choose industry leaders

1. Cyclicality: The crypto industry presents a cycle every four years.

2. Leader stability: Compared with US stocks, the leaders of the crypto industry are more stable. The leader of the US stock market often changes, while the leader in the crypto industry, such as Bitcoin, is always a recognized leader.

3. Return on investment: Within a cycle, if you can effectively manage risks, it is quite easy to achieve a five-fold return.

II. Professional skills improvement

Choose a field and practice deliberately

1. Hot fields: Not only the current popular MEME market or NFT market, but also the successful people in these fields have made huge profits in the past.

2. Practice and skills: Successful investors often focus on a certain field and achieve success through continuous practice and improvement of skills.

3. Explore other fields: In addition to MEME coins and NFTs, there are other small fields worth exploring, such as inscriptions/attachments, contracts, NFTs in BASE, taking shares and secondary market band operations.

4. Participate in project construction: If none of these fields are suitable, you can also consider directly participating in the construction of crypto projects.

In summary, investing in the crypto industry has high certainty and abundant opportunities. By mastering the industry cycle, choosing leaders, focusing on a certain field and constantly improving their professional skills, investors can get significant returns in the crypto market.

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