In each cycle of Bitcoin production reduction, the market often breeds many cryptocurrencies that achieve tenfold, one hundredfold, one thousandfold or even ten thousandfold growth. If you can successfully capture one or two of them, it will undoubtedly bring a huge improvement to the overall returns of investors in this round of bull market.

Looking back at 2023, although we have witnessed many projects with a potential for 100-fold growth, few people can really seize these opportunities. The cryptocurrency market is never short of opportunities, but opportunities are often fleeting. In the current bull market, there is also hope that projects with a potential for 100-fold or even 1,000-fold growth will emerge.

In order to increase the probability of capturing these potential projects, we can seek inspiration from the projects that have grown 100 times in the last bull market. Understanding the characteristics, team composition, market positioning and other factors behind these projects may provide us with some valuable clues. In this way, we will be more calm and prepared in the face of the upcoming opportunities.

Data shows that the 100x coin projects in the last bull market showed the following characteristics:

  1. L1 blockchain: There are 14 100x coin projects related to L1 blockchain, accounting for the largest proportion. This is closely related to the market background of Ethereum being the only one at that time. Many new L1 blockchain projects are committed to solving the performance bottlenecks and cost problems faced by Ethereum.

  2. MEME coin: Three 100x coin projects belong to the MEME coin sector, such as doge and shib. The success of these projects is closely related to the remarks and promotion of celebrities (such as Musk) on social media.

  3. GameFi: Five 100x coin projects were born in the GameFi field, showing the huge potential of the combination of games and finance.

  4. Other fields: including 3 Internet of Things (IOT), 2 NFT, 3 cross-chain, 2 cloud computing, 2 metaverse and 1 oracle, etc. These fields have also spawned cryptocurrency projects that have achieved a hundredfold growth.

After the infrastructure construction and technological progress of the last bull market, the problems faced by Ethereum such as high gas costs and slow speed have been significantly improved. Not only have high-performance L1 blockchains such as Solana emerged, but also L2 blockchain solutions such as Optimism (op) and Arbitrum (arb) have emerged. These technologies have greatly reduced transaction fees and increased transaction speeds.

Therefore, in this round of bull market cycle, although there may still be excellent projects in the L1 track, considering the maturity of L2 and other technical solutions, the probability of L1 projects with 100x coins is relatively low. When looking for 100x coin projects, investors should pay attention to other hot fields such as GameFi, DeFi, NFT, and innovative projects that combine these fields with new technologies in addition to L1 blockchain.

Market capitalization ranking

According to Rooky_Bitcoin’s analysis, from the perspective of market capitalization ranking, in March 2020, 61 of the top 600 currencies by market capitalization achieved a hundredfold growth (secondary market). Specifically:

  • Among the top 100 currencies by market capitalization, 11 have achieved a hundredfold growth, accounting for 18%.

  • Among the currencies ranked between TOP100 and TOP300 by market capitalization, a total of 21 achieved a hundred-fold growth, accounting for 34.4%.

  • Among the currencies ranked between TOP300 and TOP600 by market capitalization, a total of 22 achieved a hundred-fold growth, accounting for 36%.

Therefore, we can find that among the top 300 currencies by market capitalization, 32 100-fold coins have been born. This ratio is quite high, close to one in every 10 coins is a 100-fold coin, which can be described as "one in ten".

Holding time

In the 100x coin projects mentioned above, investors generally hold them for more than a year. This once again proves that a 100x increase is not achieved overnight, but requires time and patience. At the same time, the purchase price of these 100x coins is basically the same as Bitcoin in the same period, while the selling price mostly appears at the high point of Bitcoin price, such as March, April and November 2021.

Price Features

When these 100x coin projects were launched, their prices were generally low, most of them were less than $1 and had decimal points. This feature provides investors with a low entry threshold and a large upside potential.

Predicting a new round of 100x coin growth

Although each bull market has its own unique 100x coin projects, through the analysis of the previous bull market, we can find some common rules. Although the market environment is constantly changing, the internal logic and principles tend to remain unchanged. Combined with the current market conditions and trends, we can make some predictions about the new round of 100x coin tracks:

  1. Technological innovation: Pay attention to those innovative projects that adopt the latest technology. These projects have the potential to become the next round of 100x coins.

  2. Market demand: Observe the market demand and hot spots, and select projects that meet market demand and have practical application scenarios.

  3. Team strength: Assess the strength and background of the project team. An excellent team can often lead a project to success.

  4. Market capitalization ranking: Although market capitalization ranking is not the only criterion, there is a higher probability that 100x coins will be born among the top 300 currencies by market capitalization, so you can pay proper attention to these projects.

Bitcoin Ecosystem

In the current bull market, the Bitcoin ecosystem is undoubtedly the focus of attention. With the launch of the basic protocol Ordinals, the Bitcoin ecosystem is fully unlocking its potential, indicating that the DeFi craze in the last bull market will be repeated in this round of Bitcoin ecosystem.

Compared with other public chain ecosystems, Bitcoin, with its broad consensus and status as the underlying asset of the crypto market, will undoubtedly release greater potential in its ecosystem. Therefore, when valuing DeFi applications in the Bitcoin ecosystem, we should have a broader imagination.

At present, many projects with a hundred-fold or even a thousand-fold increase have emerged in the DEX, Lending, oracle, and Bitcoin Layer 2 tracks in the Bitcoin ecosystem. The increase in inscription tokens such as ORDI is even more amazing. Although leading projects such as Multibit (MUBI) and Bitstable are in a leading position in their respective segments, there are still more strong projects in the segments such as DEX, Lending, Staking, derivatives trading, and oracle. These tracks are still in the early stages of development, and many projects are still in the conceptual stage. In the future, more ten-fold and hundred-fold coin projects are expected to emerge.

With the emergence of favorable factors such as the halving of Bitcoin production and the spot Bitcoin ETF, the development outline of the Bitcoin ecosystem has gradually become clear, and it is expected to breed the most 100-fold coin projects. Investors should pay close attention to the development of this ecosystem.

Solana Ecosystem

Compared with Ethereum, Solana ecosystem has attracted much attention for its low gas fees and higher TPS (transactions per second). This year, Solana ecosystem has performed particularly well, not only TVL (total locked value) has increased significantly, but also the prices of tokens of most Solana ecosystem DeFi platforms have skyrocketed, and many projects have achieved 10-fold growth.

In this round of bull market, investors should focus on Solana DeFi, meme coins, and other sub-tracks in the Solana ecosystem. By experiencing various applications in the Solana ecosystem, investors can have a deeper understanding of the potential and development trends of this ecosystem.

New tracks (DePIN, DeSoc, DeSci, etc.)

In addition to Bitcoin and Solana ecosystems, emerging tracks such as DePIN (decentralized identity authentication), DeSoc (decentralized social networking), and DeSci (decentralized science) are also worth paying attention to. These new tracks represent the application and innovation of blockchain technology in different fields, and are expected to bring new investment opportunities and profit potential to investors. With the continuous development of technology and the gradual maturity of the market, these new tracks will also breed more 100x coin projects.

Well, the article ends here. After May Day, we will lead the 10,000-person fan group to conduct the first bottom-fishing after the big drop and the layout of 100-fold coins.

You may not participate, but you must witness the birth of 100x coin