The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) actually wants to define Ethereum as a security, which has caused a stir in the global cryptocurrency market!

1. Ethereum infrastructure development company ConsenSys posted on social media that if the SEC really defines Ethereum as a security, it will cause years of work by companies and developers to go down the drain, billions of dollars in economic value to be destroyed, and may even lead to large-scale unemployment among American workers.

2. ConsenSys also emphasized that Ethereum is a global computing platform, not an investment plan, and Ether is not a security, but a commodity. The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) has confirmed this many times. ConsenSys believes that applications that allow people to trade using Ethereum are not securities brokers and therefore cannot be regulated by the SEC. (Strategy Cooking Page Introduction)

3. If the SEC continues to illegally expand its power, it will threaten the United States' position as the leader of the next generation of the Internet.

As the world's leading blockchain platform, Ethereum's definition and regulatory issues have always attracted much attention. I hope the SEC will treat it prudently and not bring unnecessary volatility to the global cryptocurrency market. What do you think about this?

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