Trading experience:

1. Market price. This is the most important data to see the direction. Have you ever thought about why the price fluctuates? Is it true that every price jump is a real transaction? The answer is no. Combining the order book and the recent transaction data for analysis, it is actually the market price that drives the price change. If the orders at the upper and lower market prices are both large, the price is likely to fluctuate. If the upper market price is weak, the price is likely to go up. The power of retail investors is limited, and it is difficult to push the price to move in one direction. Only market makers and exchanges control the market price, which is to say, they control the direction of price movement. Therefore, it is better to study the market price than to study indicators.

2. Profits and losses come from the same source. I have a deep feeling about this in recent transactions. There will always be a profit after the order is executed, so there is no question of whether to place an order or not and whether the direction is right. Shorting in a rising market can still make money. It depends on how you control the profit.

3. Trading discipline. You must strictly execute the transaction according to your own trading strategy. Many times, when you look back, many of the orders you closed at the beginning were profitable, so why did you lose money again? Because you did not abide by the promise you made to yourself when you opened the order, and did not follow the trading discipline.

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