🕵️‍♂️ North Korean hacker group, Lazarus, has been laundering crypto like it's going out of style! 💸 Over $200 million in stolen crypto was cleaned up between 2020 and 2023. How, you ask? Through a mix of crypto mixing services and P2P marketplaces. They've even got a couple of cheeky usernames, "EasyGoatfish351" and "FairJunco470", to help them in their naughty endeavors. 😈

They've been converting the stolen funds into USDT stablecoin, then exchanging it for cold, hard cash. Tether blacklisted over $374,000 of their stolen funds in November 2023.

Lazarus, you've been busy! They were responsible for 17% of all crypto stolen in 2023. That's a whopping $309 million! 💰

What's your take on this crypto caper? Sound off in the comments! 👇