In the first half of 2024, the currency circle was in turmoil, and BTC was rubbing back and forth. At first, people thought that Bitcoin was just a normal price correction. Most people still believed that Bitcoin would reach 1 million US dollars and that the market was in a bull market... However, contrary to expectations, the price of Bitcoin continued to decline, falling below 60,000, 50,000, 30,000, 10,000, and finally below 1,000 US dollars...

20 years later, your son who was screwing in the electronics factory asked your grandson who was playing in the mud with disdain: "Old man, what is the price of Bitcoin really like?" Has it ever reached $73,777?"

You straightened your patched security uniform, looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, took a deep breath of the Daqianmen cigarette, and didn't know if it was raining or if it was brought back to the past and moved you.

He replied, "Yes, son, although the value of Bitcoin has now fallen to $1, your father did buy Bitcoin when the price was as high as $73,777."

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