BTC cryptocurrency circle is expected to become the inflation buffer of the next global currency.

In the 1970s, the collapse of the Bretton Woods system marked the entry of mainstream capitalist countries into the era of "credit currency".

Since then, the roar of the printing press is no longer subject to gold reserves, but needs to rely on "self-discipline" to control.

However, it is difficult for decision makers in most countries to be "self-disciplined" because it is easier for them to be loose than to be tight.

Therefore, the economic crisis in the capitalist world has evolved from a production crisis caused by "insufficient effective demand" to a debt crisis caused by credit expansion-the root of all economic problems can be traced back to seemingly unsolvable debts.

In other words, the prosperity and recession of the modern capital economy are all related to debt, and the way to solve debt problems is often through inflation.

Only by devaluing the currency by printing money can the debt be devalued. Therefore, a huge inflation buffer is needed to accommodate excess funds in the market to ensure that inflation is properly controlled.

The passage of Bitcoin's ETF before the interest rate cut is to prepare for the next huge reservoir.