Are you all waiting for ETH to plummet to 2000? Or are you waiting for the United States to cut interest rates before operating?

Recently, there are many factors that can indirectly and directly affect the market

1. The US economy is stagnant and interest rate cuts are delayed.


The US Securities and Exchange Commission has postponed its decision on the ETF applications of BlackRock, Fidelity and Franklin Templeton. It is expected to be rejected. (SEC) The review of classifying Ethereum as a security will be rejected.

Sun Ge chose to support ETH

3. Elon Musk, Tesla will invest $10 billion in artificial intelligence development,

4. Binance Labs leads the Launchpool project, occupying 21 out of 30 projects

Recently, whether it is the conspiracy theory I mentioned before, or the surface, it is useful to say that in mid-May or June, the cottage led by ETH may have a new round of outbreak. Those who like spot must seize it.

Ask me why, we are different from other bloggers, not matrix p-charts, nor personal power orders.

Each strategy is from multiple bloggers, and comes from multi-faceted research. Each blogger has more than 8 years of professional experience.

Of course, there are also technical community leaders who watch the market in real time. We are not 100% profitable like photoshopped pictures. ,

But accurate position management and break-even setting can achieve small losses and more profits.

Of course, it is also very fun to play short-wave contracts overnight. The current market is very volatile, which is very suitable for short-wave contracts.

Brother Dao always posts real pictures and never photoshops.

If you want to get something for nothing, just nod your head and follow me.

My strategy, whether it is spot contract honey horse, is shared free of charge with fans 2.

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