1. Project Overview

BounceBit is a re-staking project based on the Bitcoin ecosystem, aiming to give BTC organic staking rewards by building the BounceBit Chain ecosystem. Its core innovation lies in redefining the role of BTC, exploring various Bitcoin-type applications through the re-staking mechanism, and supporting the entire framework through re-staking and shared security.

2. Run the core mechanism

Re-staking mechanism

One of BounceBit’s core innovations is the BTC re-staking mechanism, where users can convert Bitcoin into BBTC and then stake it on the BounceBit platform to receive rewards, thereby increasing Bitcoin’s liquidity and application in the DeFi ecosystem.

Detailed introduction:

- Basic concept: Users convert Bitcoin to BBTC, allowing it to participate in staking and consensus, thereby maintaining value and gaining additional benefits.

- Steps and Process:

1. Convert to BBTC: Directly convert Bitcoin to BBTC through a cross-chain bridge or platform, representing the original Bitcoin value.

2. Stake BBTC: Participate in platform security and verify transactions.

3. Obtain rewards: Rewards come from network transaction fees, new block generation rewards, etc.

Dual Token System

BounceBit’s dual-token system includes BB and BBTC, which aims to provide a flexible staking mechanism and promote governance participation.

BB Tokens:

- Main uses: governance participation, staking rewards, and security.

- Token distribution: distributed through staking rewards, market incentives, etc.

- Release schedule: Gradually unlocked over four years.

The total supply of BounceBit tokens is 21 billion, and their distribution is as follows:

BounceBit Token Release Schedule

BounceBit tokens will be unlocked gradually over four years, with the following schedule:

BBTC Token:

- Main uses: increase Bitcoin liquidity, cross-chain functionality, and earn income through staking.

DeFi & CeFi Integration

BounceBit is committed to seamlessly integrating traditional finance with blockchain technology, providing a wide range of financial tools and services to enhance liquidity and accessibility of funds.

DeFi Integration:

- Smart contract platform, liquidity protocol, tokenized assets and other functions to realize various decentralized applications and financial protocols.

CeFi Integration:

- Cooperate with regulated partners to provide services such as asset custody and fiat currency exchange to ensure that financial activities comply with regulatory requirements.

Bridging DeFi and CeFi:

- The dual token mechanism provides a liquidity bridge, and cross-chain technology enables the free movement of assets, promoting the circulation of multi-chain assets on one platform.

Proof of Stake (PoS)

BounceBit uses the PoS consensus mechanism to improve network security, energy efficiency, and scalability.

Basic principles of PoS consensus mechanism:

- Validators are selected based on the number of tokens held and the duration of their holdings to ensure network security and integrity.

BounceBit’s PoS features:

- Dual token staking, validator election, reward mechanism, etc. to enhance network security and decentralization.

Liquidity and cross-chain operations

BounceBit improves the efficiency and accessibility of crypto assets through a variety of liquidity management mechanisms and cross-chain technologies.

Key liquidity features:

- Liquidity pools, automated market makers, staking and reward mechanisms, etc., ensure that users can trade and use assets efficiently and conveniently.

Cross-chain operations

Cross-chain technology enables BounceBit to connect multiple different blockchain networks, allowing assets to move freely between different chains. This is a key technology for achieving widespread blockchain adoption and functional expansion.

How to implement cross-chain functions

1. Cross-chain bridge:

BounceBit develops and maintains cross-chain bridges that allow assets such as BBTC to be transferred from one blockchain to another. This transfer is made secure and transparent through smart contracts.

Bridge operations can be one-way or two-way, depending on the specific assets and needs of the target chain.

2. Compatibility and interoperability:

BounceBit ensures that its platform is technically compatible with other major blockchain protocols such as Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, etc. This includes supporting standardized token protocols such as ERC-20, which allows these tokens to be issued and traded on different chains.

3. Decentralized Identity Authentication and Security:

Cross-chain operations require a high degree of security. BounceBit uses multi-signature, smart contract verification, and other encryption technologies to ensure the security and tamper-proofness of cross-chain transactions.

Three-party ecosystem

BounceBit's tripartite ecosystem is a key component of its platform structure, designed to promote interaction and cooperation among multiple participants, thereby promoting the healthy development and innovation of the entire network. This ecosystem includes three main roles: users (network participants), BB holders, and node operators.

Here is a detailed description of these three roles and their functions and roles in the BounceBit ecosystem:

Users (network participants)

Users are the foundation of the BounceBit ecosystem and they interact with the platform in a variety of ways:

Transaction Initiator: Users can initiate and execute transactions, such as transfers, purchases, sales, etc.

DApps Utilizers: Users can utilize decentralized applications (DApps) deployed on the BounceBit platform, such as lending platforms, exchanges, games, etc.

Staking participants: Users can participate in the security maintenance of the network by staking BB or BBTC, while obtaining possible benefits.

The activity of these participants directly affects the vitality and sustainable development of the network, and their trading behavior and staking decisions are also important drivers of network demand and expansion.

BB Holder

BB holders have a key governance role in the BounceBit ecosystem:

Governance Voting: Users holding BB tokens can participate in the governance decisions of the network, including voting on key decisions such as protocol updates and fee structure adjustments.

Staking and Earnings: BB holders can stake their tokens in the network to support the secure operation of the network and receive staking rewards.

Community Building: BB holders are typically more invested in the long-term success of the platform and may participate in community building and promotional activities to help increase BounceBit’s visibility and attract new users.

Decisions made by this group are critical to the future direction and growth of the platform, and their involvement ensures that BounceBit moves forward in the common interest of its holders.

Node Operators

Node operators are the technical actors that maintain the security and efficient operation of the BounceBit network:

Transaction Validation and Block Generation: Node operators are responsible for validating transactions on the network and participating in the generation of new blocks. This is a key responsibility in maintaining the integrity and continuity of the blockchain.

Network security maintenance: By running full nodes, node operators help defend the network against potential attacks and failures.

Technical Support and Innovation: Node operators are often technological pioneers who may develop new tools and features to improve the performance of the network and the user experience.

The stability and reliability of node operators directly affect the health of the entire network. They play the role of infrastructure providers in the entire ecosystem and are an important bridge connecting users and holders.

LSD(Liquid Staking Derivative)

BounceBit's LSD (Liquid Staking Derivative) flexible staking mechanism is an innovative feature of the platform that allows users to stake cryptocurrencies without sacrificing the liquidity of the assets. This mechanism is particularly suitable for users who want to earn returns from their crypto assets without locking up their assets. LSD solves the problem of insufficient asset liquidity in traditional staking methods by creating a derivative that represents the staked assets. The following is a detailed introduction to BounceBit's LSD flexible staking:

How LSD works

1. Asset Pledge:

Users first select the assets they wish to stake, such as BB or BBTC, etc. These assets are usually locked in a smart contract to support the security of the network or participate in the consensus mechanism.

2. Release of LSD:

Once the assets are locked, users will receive corresponding liquid pledge derivatives (LSD), such as stBB or stBBTC. These derivative tokens can be freely traded in the market, and users can use them for other investments or transactions without affecting the security of the original pledged assets.

3. Benefits and Rewards:

Although the original assets are locked, users can still receive staking rewards by holding LSD. These rewards are usually related to network security, transaction fee sharing, or new block generation.

Advantages of LSD

Enhanced liquidity:

The biggest advantage of LSD is that it allows users to maintain the liquidity of their assets. Even while participating in staking, users can still freely use or trade their LSD tokens.

Risk Diversification:

Users do not need to lock all their assets in one activity or investment. Through LSD, they can participate in multiple staking pools or DeFi projects at the same time, thereby diversifying their risks.

Market adaptability:

LSD enables users to adjust their portfolios based on market conditions. For example, when the token price drops, they may decide to sell some of their LSD to reduce losses without unstaking themselves.

scenes to be used

DeFi Integration:

LSD can be used in a variety of DeFi protocols, such as lending platforms, liquidity pools, and automated market makers (AMMs). Users can use LSD as proof of liquidity to participate in these protocols and earn additional benefits.

Financial Management:

Investors can use LSD for more complex financial planning, such as using LSD as collateral to borrow money or as part of a trading strategy.

Maximize your profits:

By leveraging both staking rewards and LSD’s market activity, users can maximize the overall return on their assets.

3. Team / Partners / Financing


Most members of the BounceBit team remain anonymous. The founder of the project is named Jack Lu. In 2020, Jack Lu became the co-founder of Bounce Finance and left the project. BounceBit currently has 15 employees and plans to recruit more talents.

Investors / Partners

Binance Labs’ latest investment has helped BounceBit gain high attention from the community. Although the amount of funding was not disclosed, Binance Labs said it will support the project to expand the functionality of Bitcoin and traditional value storage.

At the end of February, BounceBit successfully raised $6 million led by Blockchain Capital and Breyer Capital.

Some notable seed round investors include CMS Holdings, Bankless Ventures, NGC Ventures, Matrixport Ventures, DeFiance Capital, OKX Ventures, and HTX Ventures.

Lead angel investors in the project include Anchorage Digital co-founder and CEO Nathan McCauley, EigenLayer strategy director Calvin Liu, and Brevan Howard portfolio director Ashwin Ayappan.

4. Project Evaluation

Track Analysis

The BounceBit project belongs to multiple track areas, mainly DeFi (decentralized finance), cross-chain technology and staking services. These tracks together constitute the core value proposition of BounceBit: enhancing the liquidity and profit potential of assets by leveraging the re-staking mechanism of assets such as Bitcoin in a multi-chain environment.

BounceBit’s business model:

Transaction Fees: BounceBit charges a percentage of fees from various transactions conducted on the platform such as token swaps, staking, etc.

Staking Reward Sharing: The platform may take a portion of the rewards obtained by users through staking as management fees.

Cooperation and Integration: Collaborate with other DeFi and CeFi projects to gain benefits by providing technical support or liquidity support.

Service Target:

Cryptocurrency investors: users who wish to increase returns on their assets through staking and other methods.

Cross-chain users: users who need to move assets between different blockchains, seeking efficiency and security.

DeFi Participants: Users seeking advanced financial tools and permissionless financial services.

Similar Projects

Lido Finance: Provides liquidity staking services, allowing holders of assets such as Ethereum to stake assets without losing liquidity. The stETH provided by Lido is a liquidity staking derivative, similar to the LSD provided by BounceBit.

Rocket Pool: Another DeFi project that provides Ethereum staking services and also supports stakers to maintain a certain level of liquidity.

Thorchain: Focuses on providing cross-chain liquidity solutions, allowing assets on different blockchains to be freely traded and interchangeable, similar to BounceBit’s cross-chain functionality.

Project Benefits

The BounceBit project has many advantages that make it stand out in the highly competitive cryptocurrency and blockchain market. Here is an analysis of BounceBit's main advantages:

1. Innovative staking solutions

BounceBit introduces the concept of LSD (Liquid Staking Derivatives), which allows users to maintain liquidity while participating in staking and supporting network security. This model is an attractive option for users who want to earn returns on their crypto assets but are unwilling to bear the liquidity risks of traditional staking and locking assets.

2. Cross-chain functionality

BounceBit's cross-chain technology allows Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to flow freely between different blockchain platforms. This not only improves the efficiency and accessibility of assets, but also enhances the interoperability and scalability of the entire crypto market. For users and developers, this means that resources from multiple blockchain networks can be accessed and utilized on a unified platform.

3. EVM compatibility

By being compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), BounceBit is able to support a wide range of smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps), which enables the platform to attract a large number of existing Ethereum developers and projects. This compatibility also means that BounceBit can quickly integrate new features and applications to maintain its technological leadership.

4. Enhanced security and decentralization

BounceBit uses a dual token system and Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism, which not only improves the security of the network, but also enhances the network's anti-censorship and decentralized characteristics by decentralizing power. The dual token system also incentivizes users to actively participate in network governance and maintenance, enhancing community participation and platform stability.

5. Combining the advantages of DeFi and CeFi

BounceBit's platform combines the advantages of decentralized and centralized finance to provide an ecosystem covering a wide range of financial services. This integration allows users to experience fast and convenient CeFi services and flexible and transparent DeFi applications on the same platform to meet the needs of different users.

Project Disadvantages

While the BounceBit project demonstrates significant advantages in multiple aspects, like all technological and business innovations, it also faces some potential challenges and drawbacks. The following are possible disadvantages and limitations of the BounceBit project:

1. Complexity and user adaptability

BounceBit introduces multiple innovative concepts and technologies, such as LSD (liquidity staking derivatives), cross-chain operations, and dual-token systems, which may be difficult for ordinary users to understand and adapt to. This complexity may hinder the adoption of new users, especially those who are not familiar with cryptocurrency operations.

2. Security Risks

Although BounceBit has adopted advanced security measures, cross-chain technology and smart contracts themselves bring new security challenges. Cross-chain bridges and smart contracts may become targets of hacker attacks, especially when there are vulnerabilities in the code. Security vulnerabilities may lead to the theft of funds or tampering of data, which will damage user trust.

3. Regulatory and compliance risks

BounceBit may face regulatory challenges in different jurisdictions when trying to integrate DeFi and CeFi functions. In particular, cross-border transactions and cross-chain transfers of assets may trigger complex compliance requirements. Failure to adapt to the changing regulatory environment of various countries may lead to legal risks and affect the sustainable development of the project.

4. Competitive pressure

While BounceBit offers innovative solutions in multiple areas, it still needs to maintain its leading position in a highly competitive market. There are many established competitors in the market, such as Lido and Thorchain, which have established a strong user base and brand recognition. BounceBit needs to continue to innovate and improve in order to stand out in such an environment.

5. Dependence on technology and market changes

BounceBit's success is largely dependent on the advancement of blockchain technology and the overall state of the crypto market. Market volatility and uncertainty in technological developments may affect the project's performance and users' return on investment. In addition, as blockchain technology develops, new technologies may render current solutions obsolete.


BounceBit and its token economics represent a major leap forward in the fusion of traditional financial concepts with cutting-edge blockchain technology. By incorporating Bitcoin into its PoS network and providing innovative staking solutions, BounceBit not only increases the utility of BTC, but also sets a new standard for token economics. As the platform continues to develop, it is expected to become a cornerstone of the next generation of blockchain infrastructure, providing users, holders, and validators with a stable, secure, and scalable environment to grow their digital assets.

#bouncebit #BB #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥