If you are looking for stable growth and can significantly outperform Bitcoin, then BNB is definitely the best choice. It is simply too strong.

Recently, all the coins in the cryptocurrency circle have fallen, but BNB has been able to maintain its position under such circumstances. It is simply amazing.

There are three reasons behind this:

The first is that Binance is too rich. Various support for this coin can only rise and not fall.

The second is that no one sells it. If no one sells it, then there is no selling. Because only BNB can be issued every week, it can get a 2.5% return in just a few days, and a 100% annualized return 40 times a year. It is too late to just add positions, so who would sell it?

The third is that MetaDrop is online today. Now holding BNB coins, not only can you mine, but you can also receive airdrops. While mining Rez, you can also receive airdrops of Bounce bit (BB). Although it cannot make people rich overnight, it is a steady stream every day, so BNB is definitely worth long-term layout.

Moreover, it can still maintain its strength in this negative environment. Once the market picks up, it will announce a new issue or something, and it is likely to directly break through the previous high and start a new round of violent pull-up mode.

6 years of deep cultivation in the cryptocurrency circle, click on the avatar and see my homepage signature Jiaqun to help you better master the relevant knowledge and skills. #美联储 #Megadrop #新币挖矿 #非农数据 #反诈小贴士