April 29 Crypto Options Research Report

ETH sentiment reversed, from general Fud to big V optimistic

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I. Core views:

1-I have always been optimistic that ETH will make up for the rise, and there has been a wave of sentiment boosting it recently

2-Dvol data has risen slightly, and the implied volatility Call side has reversed

3-ETH's long-term call option implied volatility has not risen sharply, and it is not recommended for star friends to do covered calls on the Call side

-Although the cottage option target#Solis also in a downward trend, currently at about 60 percent, it still has a clear advantage in shorting volatility compared to BTC and ETH

II. Option block trading

BTC has 2 bull market spread strategies (overall bullish, both more than 100 equivalents)

buy BTC-3MAY24-63500-C + sell BTC-3MAY24-65000-C

buy BTC-31MAY24-66000-C + sell BTC-31MAY24-71000-C

ETH has a large amount of bear market spread strategy (bearish, 1500, not a large amount)

sell ETH-28JUN24-2600-P + buy ETH-28JUN24-3100-P

Sol's bulk planet prompt

3. Other cottages

Recently, in addition to Sol, the main thing is TON. At present, the overall odds and high-value callbacks of TON are already good, and it is relatively comfortable to sell put or ratio spread.

Doge, Kas, etc. continue to pay attention, waiting for the technical reversal position

4. Macro capital market

Last Friday, the Shanghai Composite 50 Index achieved a new closing high in this round and achieved a breakthrough.

North water is flowing in crazily. The inflow of 22.5 billion on Friday was the largest on record, which represents the attitude of foreign capital rushing in.

Considering that the current high-level external stock indexes are at risk of falling into a technical bear market, and the US dollar continues to be caught in the stagflation game of inflationary pressure vs. economic downturn, the Fed is dancing on the edge of a knife, and the volatility of non-US currencies may trigger the need for global capital allocation reconstruction.

(As shown in Figure 1) In conjunction with the voices of foreign capital that have recently begun to sing the praises of A-shares and Chinese assets, we have reason to expect a round of continuous inflows from Northbound funds.

A careful observation of foreign capital in recent years will reveal that these large funds rarely engage in short-term games. Most of them are based on position allocation logic. After basically determining a logic, they will continue to output in a stage.

For example: Northbound funds, such as BTC ETFs, are all like this.

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